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Thread: esters???

  1. #1


    hey guys,

    1.)i have done alot of research on frontloading and kick starting and i am getting alot of mixed feelings?alot of guys say that it is a waste of time and they dont see any difference and that it makes your sides worse? and some on the otherhand say that it works out well and u start to see results faster i just wanted to get some of your opionions on frontloading being that i have never done it .. also can u fronload more then 1 injectable? and is that true that u do see more sides when frontloading? alot of ppl say that u should front load for the first 1-2 even 3 weeks i dont think thats true because it has nothing to do with the half life but only the ester? so say if u shoot 250 your first shot the half life would be 125 so frontloading only your first shot is nessary so if u were doing 500mg a week u should shoot 1000 so by the time u needed to shot again it your half life would be at 500 ? does amnything else think that this is right??? thanks guys

    2)i have a question..everyone says that test prop kicks in alot faster then test e because of the shorter esters but i thought that the ester just determained the half life of the steroid.. longer the ester longer the half life of the test? why do ppl say that test-e takes soo much longer to kick in?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York Fckin City
    this link should help you out....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York Fckin City
    this is another good one that explains front loading, courtesy of big XXL mike....

  4. #4
    any more advice?

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