i tried a insulin pin for injecting fina in a calf, i had to take the plunger out and back load it but it worked fine anybody use that method?
i tried a insulin pin for injecting fina in a calf, i had to take the plunger out and back load it but it worked fine anybody use that method?
im gonna be making inj. ed for 13 weeks of my cycle, first 4 with prop and 5-13 with tren...i will be using a 27 or so gauge with an insulin pin.
why would that be a joke?Originally Posted by red95ssclone
Maybe a 27g? I can't see an oil going through anything smaller...
i know peopel who have used insulin pinz in their shoulder. They just heat up the oil to smooth it out. is an insulin 28 or 29g?
i used a 29 gauge insulin for a tri shot, it just took a long time.
sh!t im using 25g 5/8 in my delts with test e, the fuKKin time it takes to get it all out of the needle is unbearable it takes at least like a minute and a half to get all of 1 friggin cc out!!!
u may fall asleep with it in u with the time it takes to shoot out of an insulin pin
Yes insulin pins work I've used them in my quads I just had to press really hard to make sure it was deep enough.
just curious what length are the insulin pins?.... btw the pharmacy next door to me has insulin pins in 27-28-29 gauge
I used 27 gauge 1/2" for my first cycle years ago
because that's all i could find at the time and they
worked... I wouldn't recommend doing it, but if you
are real lean and don't mind the injections taking alot
longer then it should work ok...
whats ur opniion on 5/8 to the delt?
I always use a 25 gauge 1" pin and go all the way in...
The deeper the better if your delts are thick enuf...
Originally Posted by FRANk THe TANk
I wouldn't use anything smaller than a 25 ga in my delts or thighs simply because the muscles are large enough to not be damaged. But I think an insulin pin would be good forf site injecting into smaller muscles but only with smaller amounts ie if you had to inject say 1ml of fina you could hit your left and right bicep with a half ml each and this way you could have more sites and less damage which would equal more ml per week.
ya my delts are thick enuff but all i could get was 5/8... do u think im gettin it in deep enuf? i was mashing that fukker in where the plastic of the syringe was pushing in on the skin
i figure im gonna have to be doing ed shots so ill throw a 22 or 23 pin on there load it up and inj with a smaller pin 27 or so. wont even feel it. ya it will take an asslong time but imo its worth it, especially with ed shots.
Man i usd 23g and it takes for fawking ever to get 2cc's in. Well i inject slow anyway.
i load wiith a 18g pin
For me when I'm injecting 3cc's per shot I just want to make sure
I'm getting the injection deep in the muscle... Sometimes if you're
not injecting deep enuf you can have problems... I did it once where
I thought it was an abcess and it was only from the oil not being deep
enuf in my delt and it formed almost like a bubble for a day or two on
my delt... That's one mistake I'll make sure not to repeat... 5/8" should
be plenty if you're lean, but 1" is a better for delts, tris, quads...
Originally Posted by FRANk THe TANk
Whats the point? I use a 1" 23g pin for every site and I've done quads, glutes, delts, bis, tris and even lats, have only yet to try pecs, calves and traps. All of my shots are painless and I go all the way in, just a tiny pinch when you pierce the skin and then nothing... man up!
i usually use 23 gauge all the time too but now using 25's for ed prop injections just for scar tissue. the smaller u go the longer it takes, i dont c the purpose either.only time i used 29 insulin was b/c i was out of 23 gauge.
I borrowed some 25g's from a friend when I ran out once, used them for about 5 days or so and didn't notice a difference in entry pain, only in how long I was sitting there
ya theres no diff on pain i just use em for less scar tissue. u can rreally tell the diff when u sittin there injecting tho, the 25's seem to take forever
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