I go to college and I will be starting a cycle for the first time sometime next semester (20 years old) and I was wondering what anyone knew about taking amphetamines on occasion while on cycle (test E/ Deca/ D-bol kickstart). Even though I have ADD and really do need to take adderall when I have a boatload of work and studying to do to keep my focus, I don't take it nearly as much as prescribed even off cycle because it shuts me down sexually. I can't keep my erections as hard as normal or soemtimes can't even get it up.
Does anyone know any drastic effects Adderall or any amphetamine might have while on cycle? DO you think 500 mg Test E per week is enough to avoid being shut down even further from the Deca? My hopes is that there would not be too adverse a reaction or lack of gains by occasional use and that the Test/Dbol would keep my appitite up in spite of the "upper".
Any responses would be very helpful to a newbie like myself. thanks