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Thread: Adderall/ uppers on cycle?

  1. #1

    Adderall/ uppers on cycle?

    I go to college and I will be starting a cycle for the first time sometime next semester (20 years old) and I was wondering what anyone knew about taking amphetamines on occasion while on cycle (test E/ Deca/ D-bol kickstart). Even though I have ADD and really do need to take adderall when I have a boatload of work and studying to do to keep my focus, I don't take it nearly as much as prescribed even off cycle because it shuts me down sexually. I can't keep my erections as hard as normal or soemtimes can't even get it up.

    Does anyone know any drastic effects Adderall or any amphetamine might have while on cycle? DO you think 500 mg Test E per week is enough to avoid being shut down even further from the Deca? My hopes is that there would not be too adverse a reaction or lack of gains by occasional use and that the Test/Dbol would keep my appitite up in spite of the "upper".

    Any responses would be very helpful to a newbie like myself. thanks

  2. #2

    one more question

    For anyone who sees this another question I have is if i had to choose a current poison i have now to keep moderately during cycle would it be marijuana or alcohol? Which is more harmful to the efficiency of the AAS?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Sounds to me like you have some issues you need to deal with. You are taking way to much AAS for being only 20yrs old. You want to take Amphetamines in order to study and now you want to know what is worse Marijuana or Alcohol while taking all of this other stuff. I think you my need to get your priorities in line. Just my opinion, but I think you could be making better decisions.

  4. #4
    I know none if it is particularly good at all , I'm just wondering exactly how much I can get away with (how much such things can affect a cycle) or if i can get away with anything at all. On another thread someone pointed out that although occasional pot smoking is more detrimental to bodybuilding than occasional alcohol regularly, the alcohol use is more damaging to the results of a cycle than the weed. I'm not sure exactly how accurate this is but thats why i posted

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Well, I'm not sure, but I can tell you that neither of them is going to be "good" for your cycle. If you want the best results from you cycle, you need to eat clean, get you sleep, and stay away from the things you should stay away from.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Dude I have cycled and took my addy(20mgs BID) And have saw good gains. Just remember that you are trying to bulk and not cut. You MUST eat. Also get as much sleep as possible. What kind of addy do you have XR's or regular? If you don't know what kind they are what do they look like?

  7. #7
    i see, your right. its prob best i dont beat around the bush when it comes to bad habits... gotta grow up sometime! thanks for the posts

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    good luck bro

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Nan- what kind are you perscribed?

  10. #10
    I got the small blue tabs, 10mg each (not time released). I only take them when i do large amounts of schoolwork, and ill usually take 20 mg over a 3 hour period and it has a profound effect for a span of about 6 hours. I was thinking that the dramatic decrease in appatite was the one thing id have to worry about, but im thinkin the dbols can help with that and if i get the food in there somehow there wouldnt be any serious drawbacks to taking the actual drug....
    scooby one more thing: when you took the addy on cycle did it sent ur pulse through the roof? or make u sweat profusely?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    NN, ive taken addy's just to go workout, what you need to watch out for is your HR and your BP, but other than that if you know what your doing and you can eat on them then go for it, i get good pumps from addy's, also watch out for your thought process on regular daily activities you can loose it sometimes with the chemical reaction AAS's and addy's have on you brain, other than that, happy growing.....oh and loose the pot and alcohol

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    No not really, but my body can handle alot of uppers. I liked useing mine about 30 mins. before a workout. Just be careful if you do INTENSE cardio like cycling class at your gym. ( I once had my heart rate up to 218-220) Atrial flutter is around 225 bpm- if you feel light headed, overheated, or you feel your pulse in your heart of neck pounding to where you feel pain STOP!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Make sure you get tons of sleep too- protien shakes are easy when you are not hungry, I just downed quickly and went on.(Not too good on absobtion, but something is better than nothing)

  14. #14
    scooby, I don't know what your experience is with adderall and your sexual equipment but if its the same as mine would the Test negate that awful side effect?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I dunno it seems to me that it would depend on how sensitive you are to Test. More than likely it will help. Are you a male gigalo? If not, you probably are not as familiar with your "equipment" as I am with mine- jk

    Last edited by scooby122884; 11-18-2004 at 11:51 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Just a suggestion, if you need to increase your appitite, try supplimenting B12. It's helped me in the past.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    First of all, from my experience adderall will limit your gains because of appetite supression and other reasons that I can't even pinpoint absolutely. Yeah, any stimulant would reduce your ability to get a hard-on, it is a simple problem of your symathetic nervous system being activated which results in constriction of veins. Makes your heart beat faster and your BP rise, but sex does suffer since you need dialation to get an erection. I really don't see any problem with you using adderall on occasion during cycle but, as forementioned, watch your BP since everyone reacts to things differently.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    North Carolina
    don't mix, thats all i can say

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle_4_Hire
    don't mix, thats all i can say
    bro, he prolly allready died

    Nantucket Necterz
    Last Activity: 11-18-2004

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