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  1. #41
    O.T's Avatar
    O.T is offline Associate Member
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    I think this is a bull**** thread that brings bad attention it's the internet dont take it so seriously.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Deacon

    But 99.9% of the threads have no studies posted on them. ?"

    99.9% of the anabolic threads have no studies in them either.

    Usually they contain some rumor started by some vet or mod on some other board, and that rumor is presented as fact...

    ("BigSwole420Ripped69MasterMassAnabolikGod said to take clen like this...")

  3. #43
    O.T's Avatar
    O.T is offline Associate Member
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    so were in the educational threads for nothing

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Mostly, no...some of the information in the Edu threads is totally wrong...some is correct...

  5. #45
    Demon Deacon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    99.9% of the anabolic threads have no studies in them either.

    Usually they contain some rumor started by some vet or mod on some other board, and that rumor is presented as fact...

    ("BigSwole420Ripped69MasterMassAnabolikGod said to take clen like this...")
    But this is about steroids and not recs. And you being a mod should know its against the rules. And i was also replying to a remark saying that rec drug threads have studies that people should see.

  6. #46
    Nutz56's Avatar
    Nutz56 is offline Banned
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    honestly tho, i'm startin a cycle here in a few weeks (my first) and, before i start it, i would like to know if one or 2 beers will really mess up my liver and effect me that much (since i am in college) and, if i can't ask the guys here, who know what they're talkin about, where would u like for me to go? should i just assume that it's alright & see what happens? hell naw... i already got the info from other threads so no need to start a new one, but if somebody has a similar problem, i don't see why it's so terrible

  7. #47
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    land of the cottonheads(F
    Listen DD,M..i have a son who will be 17yrs in 2 months we've already talked about all the rec drugs, but if and when he comes up to me and mentions AAS and what doing rec drugs i know first hand about that...DO YOU????? What the fk are you going to say to YOUR kids(which apparently you guys are judgeing by your responses)??"I don't know anything about them cause i don't talk about them"..dam i hope you fks don't procreate!!!! Theres no god-dam way i would want to get a call about my kid dropping dead in a gym because he was on clens,winny and did a line of blow! Everybody on this board is here to learn and most don't know the effects of rec drugs and AAS and i guarantee neither do YOU!!!!! I'm being told by KIDS (being 41 and 11yrs+yrs in the gym and around AAS... YOU ARE KIDS!!!)about the rules. So get the hell off your high horse(with or without the springs attached) and maybe your learn something! If someone brings up something i need to apologize for any of this rant, i'll own up to it without any hesitation!
    Last edited by righton; 11-19-2004 at 08:39 AM.

  8. #48
    Demon Deacon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    Listen DD,M..i have a son who will be 17yrs in 2 months we've already talked about all the rec drugs, but if and when he comes up to me and mentions AAS and what doing rec drugs i know first hand about that...DO YOU????? What the fk are you going to say to YOUR kids(which apparently you guys are judgeing by your responses)??"I don't know anything about them cause i don't talk about them"..dam i hope you fks don't procreate!!!! Theres no god-dam way i would want to get a call about my kid dropping dead in a gym because he was on clens,winny and did a line of blow! Everybody on this board is here to learn and most don't know the effects of rec drugs and AAS and i guarantee neither do YOU!!!!! I'm being told by KIDS (being 41 and 11yrs+yrs in the gym and around AAS... YOU ARE KIDS!!!)about the rules. So get the hell off your high horse(with or without the springs attached) and maybe your learn something! If someone brings up something i need to apologize for any of this rant, i'll own up to it without any hesitation!
    Righton, I knew were you are coming from. And i am not saying you are wrong. But My position is that there are a lot of threads about rec drug use on this forum. The facts are that it draws much more attention to this site. We are already under heat why turn it up. The rules are stated and if you dont like the rules then take it up with a mod or leave. I shouldnt have to leave a board because many people are breaking the rules and putting my safety in jeopardy. As for talking to your kids about drugs, this isnt the fourm. Go to gethigh forums i am sure you can find whatever you want there. If my kid wants to know about sex should i pop up on the steroid forum and start asking questions about it. Or if he wants to learn how to drive a 18 wheeler is this the place to go? No because none of that belongs on this forum just like rec drugs dont. And as far as me being a kid, yeah well compared to you your right, but does that make my stance wrong?

  9. #49
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    Your totally missing the point...if it has to do with AAS and whatever it has a right to be in this forum and it has a right to be asked AND answered!! If someone asks wheather drinking,smoking,snorting will hinder gains you can bet SOMEONE on this board (numbering around 30,000 now) will have first hand experience and be able to give a very informative answers as to it being good or bad. So what can be the harm talking about rec drugs and AAS? And please don't go with the "against the rules" crap, that it appears to mean only no "REC DRUG TALK ONLY" not when someone asks "has anyone been on clens and done a line at a party on the weekend" and if someone posts an answer about the type of pain they felt before they had a heart attack...THAT is a VERY important answer!! In fact a lot a docs would be intrested in that answer. No rec drug talk i'm totally on yours and anyone else who's against it but when it's a legit concern (just remember all the pro wrestlers and baseball players who went down recently) i would like to know about it! And as for being safe on this board, my job includes dealing with law enforcement and i'm friends with quite of few of them and if you think that a post about rec drugs is going to bring them down on here....come on!! They are on this and many other boards more that you,i and a lot of post whores are..and this site is nothing compared to others and with these mods it will stay that way...but not by censoring informative and relative threads.
    Last edited by righton; 11-19-2004 at 11:01 AM.

  10. #50
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Deacon
    Righton, I knew were you are coming from. And i am not saying you are wrong. But My position is that there are a lot of threads about rec drug use on this forum. The facts are that it draws much more attention to this site. We are already under heat why turn it up. The rules are stated and if you dont like the rules then take it up with a mod or leave. I shouldnt have to leave a board because many people are breaking the rules and putting my safety in jeopardy.
    Putting your safety in jeopardy? Are you maybe a little paranoid?
    Do you really think the feds are going to hunt you down just for posting on a site that has a couple of threads related to recreational drugs? Especially when, as you keep pointing out, there are entire sites dedicated to the subject of rec drugs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Deacon
    As for talking to your kids about drugs, this isnt the fourm. Go to gethigh forums i am sure you can find whatever you want there. If my kid wants to know about sex should i pop up on the steroid forum and start asking questions about it. Or if he wants to learn how to drive a 18 wheeler is this the place to go? No because none of that belongs on this forum just like rec drugs dont. And as far as me being a kid, yeah well compared to you your right, but does that make my stance wrong?
    Well sarcasm like that makes you sound like a kid - if the sex question was AAS related then here is the place to ask, where better? (You may not have noticed but there are hundreds of threads on this very subject) or if your kid wanted tips on how to train while out on the road in his 18 wheeler then here is the place to ask.
    The differentiation is whether or not it is AAS/bodybuilding related, there is obviously no place here for threads purely about recreational drugs, but those questions that relate to AAS surely have a place here. Clearly this is why we have MODs, so that they can decide what is constructive and delete the rest.

  11. #51
    Demon Deacon's Avatar
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    Dont call me paranoid you dont know what kind of work i am in. In your situation thinking like i do might be paranoid in mine it might be safety. Secondly its against the rules so i dont care about your opinions. Have a good day. And hopefully i dont have to hear about some dumbass wanting to take X while on cycle. It has nothing to do with bodybuilding and has nothing to do with performance enhancing. What it does have to do with is a rec drug user crossing the line to performance enhancing drugs and wanting to do both. If you are considering X than you have more problems than wanting to know if its going to screw you up while on cycle, hell it will screw you up when your off cycle.

  12. #52
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    So, if all threads with any reference to rec drugs are against the rules then you've broken the rules by starting this thread, ironic.

  13. #53
    Rickson's Avatar
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    I thought I answered this already. This is not a Philosophical debate. I could care less what people do on their own time. It is simply an issue about board safety. AAS use has always been viewed by law enforcement as a relatively harmless vice (at least in the past) and we don't need to make them think that AAS is just another drug that rec users take. We have enough attention we don't need anymore.

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