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Thread: Steroids at "Young Age"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Steroids at "Young Age"

    Im trying to conduct some research and i need all the help i can get.
    Im asking if you can please reply when you did your first cycle, what you took and do you regret it? I'm looking for people who started under 18.

    Just to leet yall know im not a minor, so yall want get the wrong idea that i want to use gear im just doing some research on this topic.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    im 18 and running a cycle right now

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    what are young running?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i ran 200mg's deca for 10 weeks when i was 18..... then when i was 19 i did a tren only cycle for 8 weeks.....

    Yes i regret both..... i regret them because i wasn't informed on gear. If i could go back in time..... i either would have not done any at all.... or i would learn a lot mroe about a proper cycle before i did it.

    20 now..... just ran test/eq cycle...... everything went well..... im in PCT now. I definately don't regret this one and im planning another for late winter/early spring.

    Hope i was of some help.

    BTW - your supposed to be 18 to get onto the site - you might get a few under 18 replies but not many.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    thanks that helped some hopefully i get alot more! i would be very interested in people who started under 18

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    My best friend's cousin started at age 16, that guy was a moron hes quit since but he was one of those guys that thought you could take AAS and then sit back and watch your muscles grow, he never worked out and just got extremely bloated and pissed it all away after. You'll have a hard time finding guys under 18 that have done a "real" cycle and not oral only or some other obsqure bs

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    1-cent: yea i know what you mean, but anything will help

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    This is my cycle, i have gained 22 lbs so far on week 7

    weeks 1-4 dbol 35 mg
    weeks 1-13 test E 600 mg
    weeks 1-11 deca 300 mg
    nolva everyday 10 mg

    PCT's, nolva 20 mg ED , clomid 300 first day, day 2-11 100 mg, then 50 mg a day until day 21.

  9. #9
    How much are you guys paying for Clomid and Nova? I used to get it for $1, but my last batch $2, too much I think.

  10. #10
    started at 17 /weeks 1-10 test e 250
    weeks 11 - 13 clomid 75mg day

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge

    real cycle at 17

    I am sorry to say that i did use as at 17. I used 400mg of test E for ten weeks and var for 6 weeks. Used armidex and so my growth plates would not close and then clomid for pct. Nothing bad happened except for acne and many fights. lost friends

  12. #12
    my friend ran one during the end of senior year he was 18 he ran 500mg test 10/weeks and 35mg dbol 1-4weeks and he blew up pretty nice..he was in pretty good shape before the cycle but he def got a lot bigger but he was stupid and didnt run a PCT and lost it all so fast and was all deppressed but im 19 and about to run 500mg test e 12/weeks 35mg dbol 1-4/ED nolva 10-20mg ED during cycle and clomid theropy at the end 300mg 1st day 100mg/ED 1st two weeks then 50mg/ED next two weeks..i heard this was a good cycle and many people got great gains and its a nice begginer cycle...but the amount of test a week depends on your weight and size some will say 250-350mg a week is good others say 400-500 a week is good but who knows everyones body is different

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    I am sorry to say that i did use as at 17. I used 400mg of test E for ten weeks and var for 6 weeks. Used armidex and so my growth plates would not close and then clomid for pct. Nothing bad happened except for acne and many fights. lost friends
    Are you implying that arimidex stops growth plate closure??? I'v have never heard that, do you have any info to back this... this may give younger people the wrong idea that by using arimidex they can cycle and not worry bout growth plate closure... i think it sounds ridiculous...Let's not go and misinform everyone.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge


    the reason you r groeth plates close when on roids is because of the high estrogen levels but by using armidex at 1mg a day that took care of around 80% of the estrogen because you know you need some. Thats why when you take anavar there is no need to worry about that. Or maybe i was lucky my sister helped me she is a nurse.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I am eighteen, took my first injection yesterday. I am running test e at 250mg twice a week for eleven weeks, deca 200mg twice a week for ten weeks, and proviron 25mg ed for 15 weeks, and clomid for pct for three weeks.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    the reason you r groeth plates close when on roids is because of the high estrogen levels but by using armidex at 1mg a day that took care of around 80% of the estrogen because you know you need some. Thats why when you take anavar there is no need to worry about that. Or maybe i was lucky my sister helped me she is a nurse.

    1mg/day of l-dex is quite high. if u are gonna use a AI use femara. it is 100X times better than l-dex. stops 97-98% of conversion if i remember correctly

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    the reason you r groeth plates close when on roids is because of the high estrogen levels but by using armidex at 1mg a day that took care of around 80% of the estrogen because you know you need some. Thats why when you take anavar there is no need to worry about that. Or maybe i was lucky my sister helped me she is a nurse.
    i see.. i have never heard this before so it's new info to me.. anyone else know about this? Also as for the var i know the studies that showed no closure were in doses which would neer be used by someone who is using the drug for bodybuilding purposes. I can;t remember who found the study but somewhere it's on here just FYI

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I am 33 now. I took d-bol back in the summer of my 11 grade year. Older guys will know the kind I took the little blue ones that came in a little blue bottle they used to be all over in th 80s.

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