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  1. #1
    surfwrv32 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2002

    Let me get this straight

    Sorry I am sure this has been stated and I searched and read every thread.. But..... A drug test is for the 6 main or mind altering drugs and a steriod tests just gets steriods .. They do not overlap each other??? Thanks again all..Got to get tested for a new jobn on Monday. On EQ now to gain some mass and get harder. Working great thus far. Getting bigger and much harder to wear people accuse me of bein on the gear.. Just tell them I eat right and train hard.. lol
    Last edited by surfwrv32; 11-19-2004 at 11:53 PM. Reason: forgot a sentance

  2. #2
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
    100%NATURAL-theGH is offline Senior Member
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    name off tons of vitamins when they accuse you.... tons of supps... even prohormones if they insist... o.. and the chance of you getting tested for juice are slim to none.

  3. #3
    surfwrv32 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2002

  4. #4
    bluestrm is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2004
    They would have to do a seperate test for steroids . Employers are looking for rec drugs. And even at that, they usually only test for 2 drugs. Cocaine and marijuana are the most common. It is too **** expensive for them to test for a lot of things, much less to do an AAS test.
    I worked as a Lab Tech for a while and did drug tests, so I speak out of experience.

  5. #5
    surfwrv32 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2002
    Thank you that was the answer I wa hoping and looking for and it really put my mincd at ease since you are a former lab tech.. Just curious b/c i know citigroup has alot of money but i guess testing every possible new employee would be a ridiculous amount of money.. thanks again

  6. #6
    zx7racing's Avatar
    zx7racing is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2003
    do a search for nine panel drug screen- that is more than likely what you will be tested by

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