What is your opinion/experiences with growth hormone. I have done a lot of reading. I asked this on another forum and got good responces but no real consensus. Let the opinions roll!![]()
What is your opinion/experiences with growth hormone. I have done a lot of reading. I asked this on another forum and got good responces but no real consensus. Let the opinions roll!![]()
my experience hard hitting pumps,well being,fat loss,recoverfaster
Well, I have no experience. I can say that I am dying to try it. I've only heard good things about it except the price and the recommended insulin use.
it's very expensive. most people can make good gains with cheaper AS. gh and slin would be better used for those who are having trouble even making gains on large amounts of AS (pros).
gh is great as long as it is taken properly so you dont get abnormalitys,and thats to a slight effect, it is often over exagurated.(sp?)like they said burns fat,keeps you very lean,and all of the above.yes u do get better gains when u use slin with it but then thats plying with fire!i wouldnt recomend useing slin unless your a pro or pretty much upthere.gh and test together make for great gains.
maybe try geref first and see what you can do naturally??
im sure i read somewhere that gh wont work properly unless you use it in conjunction with insulin, and the doses of both are very carfully controlled.
is this a fact?
if so what about what big N about using it with test?
only curious since i too have heard many differing opinions and "facts" about gh
gh does little to nothing with out insulin.....you need both and yeah you need to take them at times intervals through the day everyday and you need to eat so many grams( a specific #) after ever shot of slin.....seems like a pain in the fucking ass to me...
It would be a pain. All I know is that if I spend all that money on gh I'm going to do it right. Use insulin (very carefully), a oral steriod (probably dbol), and lots of test (at the beginning), and then a anabolics torward the end. It all has to do with the body's release of growth factor, insulin, and conjunction with steriods and the gh. Where is Dr. Evil when you need him?
GH reduces insulin sensitivity and in the severest of forms can cause type II diabetes. That's the purpose of running slin concurrently with GH. You can have all the gear in the world coursing through your blood stream, but if you can't get the nutrients into your cells via the insulin signaling/transport system then you can't very well grow(or loose fat).Originally posted by Kaz
im sure i read somewhere that gh wont work properly unless you use it in conjunction with insulin, and the doses of both are very carfully controlled.
is this a fact?
if so what about what big N about using it with test?
only curious since i too have heard many differing opinions and "facts" about gh
What about running GH with glucophage (metformin) or avandia. Both are oral meds for type II diabetes.
guys , gh is good even if u dont combine with insu,makes you hard and vascular and u might even be able to eat more food when youre doing diet , and that is a great help,i did something like 3 iu to 4 iu training days only, and check my quality,and i know its gotta be that because i only done gh twice and what a difference ...
I also read that insulin will decrease IGF-1 binding proteins which lets more free IGF-1 work in the body.
Well, here's a few comments from a guy who has used GH for many years. Whether or not to use GH depends in large part on where you are at in your training. If you are a novice, or simply a recreational lifter, or are quite young and either of the above....then you would best be advised to spend your money on the most effective steroid stack you can afford, and on your diet.
But, if you are a competitive bodybuilder, an older guy who is real serious about training, and have hit the limits of your genetic potential after years of hard training, dieting, and steroid use......and want to take it to the next level......then GH and insulin is the way to go.
It is nearly impossible to win the big shows these days without " the look"........paper thin skin, extreme vascularity, mass without bodyfat.
And, GH results for older lifters like me can be down right amazing.
Our natural production of GH declines as we age. By age 60 we have lost up to 80%. It is virtually impossible to maintain lean muscle mass without GH.
Yes, it is most effective when used with insulin, to combat the downregulation of insulin sensitivity that results from the use of exogenous GH. Yes, an oral steroid lke dbol compliments a GH cycle because orals cause the release of IGF-1 on the first pass through the liver (the presence of IGF-1 in the system is necessary for GH to be effective). Yes, injections showed be timed so as to avoid the surges of natural GH production......particularly the first 2 hours of REM sleep.
I am attaching my photo.....no big deal, but at age 53 there is no way I stay big and lean without GH.
SHEAR RESPECT! And 53,... even more respect!
Cant wait to see those pics!
Change your name to "Who's your papa?"
Looking forward to more of your posts....!
Welcome to the board!'
I will shut up now!
GH or whatever, you look great bro', what a great physique, keep up the good work.![]()
Ironmaster, all I can say is wow!! I wish I looked that good now and you've got almost 30yrs on me! You look great! When I look at that picture it makes me think that working out and staying fit really is a life time project that really does pay off! Like the others said you should post more pics! You are definitely an inspiration to anyone that works out, or wants to get in shape! Keep up the good work sir!
Ironmaster you're a F*CKIN ANIMAL bro!![]()
Damn Ironman!!!!!! Ya got some sick-Ass Shredded Delts!!!! Keep it rippin'!!!!
HGH, my uncle did studies on it w/ emory university for a long time. he said HGH did absolutely nothing except give you alot of trouble. aside from facial abnormalities, like elongated jaw, spacing of the teeth, enlarged forehead etc. causes internal problems like enlarged heart and other organs. i dont know if he was just trying to steer me clear by saying all this, but either, if it doesnt have any good benefits it really does cause all of what i said.
when taken reasonably ,its just like iron master said,without the crazy myths.u need to tell your uncle to hit the books again or something,maybe the labrats they use in there are different then humans!even when taken without insulin just with as you eill see very good quality gains,not as much with insulin but u will definately see the difference.
Thanks for the kind words, friends.
I do post on the boards occasionally to emphasize that weight training is a way of life, not a hobby, and that we do not need to surrender to the aging process. If you stick to it, you just get better. I still get asked to guest pose at big shows even at my advanced age.
Testtube......acromeglia (the jaw, forehead thing) is a disease. Either you have it or you don't.......use of exogenous GH does not cause it. As for the growth of internal organs, some studies show an increase in body mass (not muscle mass) with GH alone. Explanations vary. Some conclude that increased bone density accounts for the difference, others, that new, thicker connective tissue, water, even internal organ growth is the reason. Probably a little of all. My bones and joints have never felt better, my immune system is excellent, and I still get up the big weights with the younguns.
I have an extensive list of references to scientific studies on GH, if you are interested. Yarasheski (J. of App. Phys., 1999) is probably the best study for weight trained individuals.
ironmaster, Thanks for coming over to share with us. I've read a bunch of your posts over at elite. Helped me out a great deal. I had no idea you were 53 at the time you took that picture. I always thougt you were like 30 or something. Truely impressive.
i was just going to suggest that.Originally posted by shoot1
What about running GH with glucophage (metformin) or avandia. Both are oral meds for type II diabetes.
gh is the shit and if your over 40 like ironmaster and myself its like drinking water....cant live without it![]()
Hey Iron, M.O.D, you guys are everywhere. The question has been asked twice on this thread and I too am looking for the answer. Now I've mentioned before that I do not want to take insulin but am willing to try Metformin. I want to try and get the most out of the gh as I possibly can. What is your take on this?
Have either of you ever tried it?
hey moose,Originally posted by Big Moose
Hey Iron, M.O.D, you guys are everywhere. The question has been asked twice on this thread and I too am looking for the answer. Now I've mentioned before that I do not want to take insulin but am willing to try Metformin. I want to try and get the most out of the gh as I possibly can. What is your take on this?
Have either of you ever tried it?
never tried metformin but i have used insulin and liked the results...shit just do some test and gh and you will get great results...i just started..gh, anavar, test e and deca
That sounds like a nice little cycle! I am have been taking Gh, but am waiting a few weeks to start my cycle, because I'm having a tonselectomy and uveioli reduction next Tuesday for my sleep apnea. Shortly after that I will be starting my anavar, winny, test, t-3 cycle. I think I am going to give the metformin a shot. I have read so many mixed reviews about it that there is only one way to find out.Originally posted by m.o.d
hey moose,
never tried metformin but i have used insulin and liked the results...shit just do some test and gh and you will get great results...i just started..gh, anavar, test e and deca
This post has been really interesting, Not least because of what the HUGE Ironmaster said (Coming up to 39 so it could be important to me!)
iv always avoided GH because of the "need" to use insulin (Sorry but im scared of doing that!) but if it is possible to get some gains from GH with just test or dbol etc then it opens a whole new avenue for me.
since iv avoided GH (and slin) iv not really researched them much so could someone tell me a little about GH injection technique? for a start what is IU when its at home?? Is it IM injection like other AS?? (BTW i did read the GH post in the Educational threads)
im not going to rush out and start using GH but i would like to start learning more about it since i can see that it might be an option in the not too distant future.
many thanks to all who have posted so far on what is a very interesting subject!
Kaz......you are coming up on the right time for GH. After 40, you may be at, or below 50% of the GH production of a 21 year old. This makes life very hard for the "master's division" guys like me. I have found that I can still get ripped AND big with the moderate use of GH. Even 2iu a day will put you at better levels than a 21 year old. Average adult male produces .5 to 1.5iu a day naturally.
Also, although not mandatory, the light use of a fast acting insulin with GH produces much better results. Insulin is not all that scary if one uses a little common sense. I gained 8 additional lean pounds when I first incorporated insulin in my cycle.....and that's a lot for someone who has been training for 3 decades.
GH is usually injected in the abdomen subcutaneously by pinching up a little skin and injecting into the fold. Site injecting trouble spots like love handles works great. It's painless using an insulin dart. I generally use 4.5iu day for 12 weeks, although I may pyramid that dose up if leanness is my primary goal at the time. GHiu's are not the same as insulin syringe iu's, so get some advice before mixing, should you go that route.
Moose, the jury is still out on glucophage and metformin as a substitute. Most serious guys I know were not happy with gluco. Some BB'ers are even experimenting with ALA, but for me, I'm going to go with what I know works when spending the big $ on GH!
Hello MOD, you old rascal........you boys couldn't find a better friend to consult than old MOD.
GH is the best thing out there. Period!
I've done a lot of research on and used GH. I feel it is safer than most AS and has less side effects. I really don't know what everybody is so afraid of. Don't abuse it. Use it correctly and you will love. Great gains and loss of fat, what else can you ask for. It really should be used in conjunction with insulin, androgens, and some claim even thyroid.
Also GH may even cause hyperplasia, the development of new muscle cells.![]()
i've been on for over two years now and having nothing bad to say about it....at my age i plan on staying on all the time now taking very little breaks throught out the year.....gh has done wonders for me but the best thing its done for me is boost my immune system and the list goes on from there.
hey ironmaser and MOD, good to see you guys around here. did they let you (MOD) back onto EF?
ironmaster - superbeast - m.o.d
thanks guys, i think i will be looking into gh seriously in the not too distant future. i will have to have an extensive read up on the procedures involved with insulin (still a bit leary of that!) and when the time come i will do more definitive research into the gh itself.
excellent thread - has cleared up some of the needless paranoia that comes from horror stories based on stephen king novels and not actual facts!
IM planning on doing a cycle of eq at 600-800mg week and cyp at 600mg week, and at the end usin some winny. Would gh be good to throw in there, i heard that u need at least to kits to see good results or its a waste. I only got the $ for one. I have a decent amount of experience and a lot a of knowledge (thanx to you guys) any info is appreciated
2 kits would be the minimum, 3 is better.
I've used GH twice, once while trying to build mass. my experience is that it was pretty much worthless during that phase. However I used it for 12 weeks while preparing for a contest, and berry is right it worked well-I was able to consume more calories and I came in very lean and my skin was as thin as its ever been. Unfortunately I moved back to the states from europe and I just cant afford the shit now or else I would use it for every show that I do. Back in the 1993 I was buying it for 25 dollars for a 4 iu kit. Damn the good old days-I'm moving back there-Berry your a lucky bastard.
This has been very helpful, thank you. I look forward to reading Yarasheski's article.
so how many times a week do you inject gh? do you do it just on training days, or ED?? i'm not really familiar with gh, besides the rave about how good it is. also, i have seen on many sources, that they come in a kit of 126 iu's. would this be enough for a cycle??
Big J
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