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  1. #1
    halo1234 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2003

    What to do in between cycles???

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place, wasn't sure where to put it.

    When ever I have done a course of gear I have not gone onto anything else. I have left it for a few months, then back on. This time I want to go straight onto some other form of booster for a month, then back on to the cycle.

    I'm not sure what to go for & I've considered things like 1-AD or M1T. Should I stay away from these sorts of things for a month & clear my receptors. Or would these work. I'm really looking long term & what a plan for the year, constantly pushing with that 'month off' Should I just go for creatine or something along those lines???

    Your thoughts please.
    Last edited by halo1234; 11-21-2004 at 04:29 PM.

  2. #2
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    HGH, slin, LR3 IGF-1, PGF-2a, anything not AAS will do

    Best bet would be Slin + LR3 IGF-1 or drop the slin if you want

  3. #3
    brutusthebull's Avatar
    brutusthebull is offline Associate Member
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    I like to use creatine just to help keep my pumps up, and to help retain my gains. I try to knock off all the other stuff to give my system a chance to rebound a little. Glutamine, vitamins, protein,etc. would be ok

  4. #4
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oh disregard HGH if its just for a month, receptor grade IGF-1 would do nicely though

  5. #5
    gya321's Avatar
    gya321 is offline Member
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    Between? I didnt know your supposed to stop! hahahaha

  6. #6
    halo1234 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by brutusthebull
    I like to use creatine just to help keep my pumps up, and to help retain my gains. I try to knock off all the other stuff to give my system a chance to rebound a little. Glutamine, vitamins, protein,etc. would be ok

    I was thinking along the lines of a Creatine Glutiamine mix & some form of test booster. I will be using HCG for a week after I finish. Would be nice to keep the level up.

    Just never used these pro hormones before like M1T. Not sure what would be best. I suppose they are the same as having a course so I still need a break.

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