Hi and thank you very much. Amazing what these forums can do!
I'am going to run a cycle, been waiting for this moment......Any way before I could get enough knoledge on the topic, my buddy ordered a load of gear. Come to find out he's off base a little. We have per person
Deca enough for 2ooml a week for 4 wks.
d-bol 100tabs @ 5mg tabs.
nolva enough for pct
clomid enough for pct
Mt 500mg
Bit confused......it would be nice to have some sus or test. It would also be nice to have 4 more wks of deca. May be even some dbol (so I could run 35mg for 3 weeks then taper)
Question is with the right diet, and routine will this gear do the trick. or is it a waste of time........and time to buy more?
dbol/20mg ed for 2wks/then the following 2wks run 15mg.
deca for 4 weeks
or should we purchase alittle more deca and run test. or sus. with it too!
Thanks! Happy juc'in