I went to my source today to pick up some Dbol powder...its nearly costs nothing for 4 weeks...so i get it in powder...however when he hands it to me i said no this is nolvdex....he said no...then it all came crashing down on me.....i had just done 4 weeks of NOLV at 50mgs a day....
I hadnt noticed because my gaines were going up...the test E kicked in right away i guess....i went back up to pressing 315 for 11 in a couple weeks so i thought it was the dbol..........
Turns out it wasnt....at first it was such a mind ****......but now im really happy to be at week 5 without using DBOL at all..this is going to be sick
anyway.....i thought you guys might find that funny......i honestly couldnt believe i had done it.......my source got the bags mixed up.....
Cant wait to see what the next 4 weeks are going to be like.....****.
any problems with taking that much nolv? talk about a pain...i carried that **** everywhere....