I know there are better choices, but could one cut on test e and eq.
Assuming diet and cardio are in tact, what could be expected from this stack.
I know there are better choices, but could one cut on test e and eq.
Assuming diet and cardio are in tact, what could be expected from this stack.
Deca is a better cutter and easier on the hairline. Anyone who says they got bloated from Deca wasn't using REAL deca (commonly re-bottled as expensive E and co-incides with the "takes 3 weeks to kick in) or nutrition was way off.
Anything is possible with a sound diet. Best cutter IMO is prop/tren/winny.
okay , thanks, the reason why I ask i because I already have the gear.
What could I expect while cutting on test e and eq.
Workouts will be 5 days a week , with three days of am cardio, and following the cutting sticky
At 5 days a week, you are likely over-training.
How long are you going to be cycling this?Originally Posted by GODstatus
Your diet is going to be the biggest determining factor here bro.
Are you serious ?? I have worked out 6 days a week without gear. How would 5 days a week be too much for lifting while on test ?? Even if I did 6 days lifting and 5 days of cardio I dont think that would be too much??
I will be on the cycle for 14 weeks. Diet will follow the cutting sticky.
Can anyone offer some useful advice
Anyone who over trains by training 5 days per wk, is lifting for 5 hours or has piss poor diet and genetics.Originally Posted by Pork Chop
It takes about 10 days for a muscle group to fully recoup from a proper (high intensity) workout.
About 7 or 8 days to recoup on juice.
If you did okay working out 6 days a week, you would have done better at 3.
Are you kidding? I'm not on and i recover in 3-5 days depending on bodypart and i think i train damm hard.Originally Posted by Pork Chop
Nope, i'm serious.
IMO. 5 days a week is right on. I've got nothing but outstanding results from it. On or off.
I'm calling you out... on these bullsh!t replies.Originally Posted by Pork Chop
I'd suggest you stop regurgitating ASSumptions and buckle down and do some research like the other guys on this board.
Where'd u 'read' a muscle take 7-10 days to recover? And where do u get off ASSuming that the guy here will over train on 5 sessions a week?
First off: Muscles generally take from 48-72 hours to recover.The CNS (central nervous system)may take longer....depending on the level of depletion induced by high-intensity exercise.. and other stresses.
Secondly: Overtraining and, subsequently, tolerance to training volume, varies from individual to individual.
Thank you Nark. These are all facts that you stated. Finally an intelligent reply...as usual from you.Originally Posted by Narkissos
First off: Muscles generally take from 48-72 hours to recover.The CNS (central nervous system)may take longer....depending on the level of depletion induced by high-intensity exercise.. and other stresses.
I meant to post this. Thanks bro. knowledge is power![]()
OH-no Narkissos called you out, not good lol not good! As stasted before Pork Chop i think your're a ok dude just stop posting replies that lack research and common sence, You need to learn more man.
I don't regurgitate nothing. If i did i'd preach 3 sets of 10.. and i wouldn't get the attention i got just now.. because what i said is different than what you believe.Originally Posted by Narkissos
According to you the most efficient way to build muscle is working each muscle group 4 times a week?
But maybe not because the CNS may not have recovered?
Which is it?
Should i be working doing a full body workout every 4 days or not?
I couldn't recover from a sunburn 48 hours.. i don't know how i could expect my muscles to recoup from a high intensity workout.
I keep a training log. I monitor progress. When progess lessens, i give more time to recoup - the funny thing, when i do this i get stronger. When i don't get enough rest, my progress stops. That's proof enough for me.
I adopted this theory from Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer. Then again, they didn't know what they spoke about either.
Last edited by Pork Chop; 11-22-2004 at 10:13 AM.
5 days a week is not overtraining,...6 is pushing it but if he has proper sleep, nutrition, and intensity on a few of those days/light intensity on the others,.he's fine. Arnold lifted 6 days per week for years.
can someone explain to me why i don't see substantial gains with limited recovery time (2 days) whereas when an adequate recovery time (more than 2 days) is alloted, my gains increase significantly?
Everyone is different...................
Hey Bro,Originally Posted by GODstatus
I will be running the exact same cutting cycle here shortly. I have a post on it if you wanna look it up. Yeah, as long as your diet and training is spot on you can cut on just about anything. I have researched this cycle in detail so feel free to use the info. I will try to get the link to the thread. Good luck.
Here you go bro. I have actually decieded to cut the prop out of the front and end.
As Ma$e said: "You do what work for you, I do what work for me."
To each his own bro. If it works for you, awesome, go with it.
I would also add 1.5 mg letrozole ED and 10 mg Nolva ED. Start the lerto 3 wks before cycle. I wish you well on your cycle bro.
Thanks guys, I appreciate people who actually help instead of bash me.
The cycle will be eq and test e with nolva. I will lift 5 days a week and do cardio 4 days a week with ab training 3 days a week.
Cals will folllow the cutting sticky and I need to stop boozing---lol
I've been called out.. and am here all alone.. *looks around*
Look at how the top pros train P.C cutler, ronnie all hi volume (exp dexter and few others) all i'm saying if you have the genetics to train hard heavy with little rest between set and can eat so you don't overtrain go for it.
You can do very well with this stack. As you said, there are better choices, but you can get great results from Test/Eq.Originally Posted by GODstatus
deca is horrible for cutting. but any steroid helps. but I think your deca was not good I guess. Deca gives rediculous bloating.
My understanding was that EQ was mild on the hair?Originally Posted by Pork Chop
me too eq is much better then deca.Originally Posted by as-addicted
Everyone is different i don't bloat with deca i stay lean and i didn't like eq. It is different for everyone
my bros and i started on Deca. Cycle 2 he went EQ for a couple months.. and lost mad hair - the only thing it did for him cause i didn't see any signs of mad vascularity.Originally Posted by as-addicted
My 2 cents.
thanks again for the info , I am now in week three and waiting for results.
I have gained weight and people say I look big , but I am ot feelings jack yet. Week 4-5 it will hit from what people say.
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