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Thread: Quick Question

  1. #1

    Quick Question

    Heres my thing...I never had this problem before, but now since im starting a new cycle, and now im lifting at work, when should i take my gear? I never had a problem before because I would go to the gym after work to an offsite place, but the convience of the gym at work, and im given time to use it, i just couldnt pass it up! Im going to be taking Test, Winny, and EQ and just wondering what times now that everything is switched...Should i take the winny in the morning before i lift? I would lift prolly 5 hrs after i take it..would that be sufficient? How bout taking the eq and test after i lift, about an hour after i do??? Kind of hard to take it in the gym lockerroom Any help is greatly appreciated...thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    take em before or after, they dont act so quickly in your body that they need to be schedualed like your protien shakes... i take mine mon when i get home from the gym and shower and thursday when i wake up

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York Fckin City
    what does your cycle look far as how many shots a week and dosages? is the winny tabs or liquid? so we can get a better idea and help you out.

  4. #4
    THis is what ive been thinking...(all liquid)

    week 1-12 (maybe 10) -- TEST cyp 600mg/week
    week 1-16 -- EQ 400mg/week (maybe up to 600)
    week 6-16 -- Winny 300mg/wk (75 every other day or so)
    I was going to throw some t3 in there too, dont know yet...

    Like i said any help is much appreciated!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I would advise administering your testosterone on a bi-weekly injection schedule. The eq doesn't really matter, as it's half life is certainly long enough that a once a week injection would suffice to maintain consistant blood levels.

    Winstrol on the other hand (Oh, how I hate winstrol) there are actually a couple different schools of thought. One obvious difference between Winstrol Depot and other injectables is that it is not esterified, being sold as aqueous stanozolol suspension. (It should not be called water-soluble: virtually none of it is dissolved in the water.) This means that it does not have a classical half-life, where at time x the level is ½ the starting level, at time 2 x the level is ¼, at time 3 x the level is 1/8, etc. Instead, the microcrystals slowly dissolve, and when they have all dissolved levels of the drug then fall very rapidly.

    For veterinary application, Upjohn claims that once-weekly doses supply constant levels. I am not sure if that is actually true or not – it might be true in terms of being clinically practical but not literally true. If true, then it may be that the observation of bodybuilders that frequent dosing is required has more to do with a significant dose being required, e.g. 350 mg/week, rather than an actual need for it to be injected daily. Unfortunately bodybuilders often make illogical comparisons, and will conclude that daily injections are needed, since a once a week injection of 50 mg did not do the job! Well, of course it didn’t: the dose was too low. For a future article, some urinalysis testing may be performed to come up with some more specific information on this matter, since it is of interest to many.

    From here you need to determine how you want to administer winstrol. I would adise a 3X weekly schedule or an EOD injection schedule.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    .......double post.........
    Last edited by phreezer; 11-22-2004 at 09:42 PM.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the info, I was planning on doing the winny mon, wed, friday type of thing...its not carved in stone yet but I think that is what i will do, i just have to figure out when to take it compared to when i lift...anyways, thanks again!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York Fckin City
    i would mix the test and eq together in the same syringe and shoot every 3.5 days..i do mine mondays and thursdays. do the winny eod. or like you said 3 times a week

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