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Thread: I'm stuck

  1. #1

    I'm stuck

    i need help I'm 7 weeks in to a cycle of 250mg sust IP 125mg deca BD every 3 days i started 172lbs at week 4 i was 180 stoped gaining week 5 added 30mg dbol BD up 3lbs and im stuck but incredible strength its my fourth cycle the last 2 did the same im 5'11" 183lbs very low bf three weeks left what should I do I just got 20 sust amps oragon still have 400 dbol 10mg and 50 50mg winstal oral BD 15cc fina 100mg any adv

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    How often are you shooting the sust? If not EOD then you're losing alot and 250mg isnt much to begin with

  3. #3
    every three days

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    wuts ur diet like?

  5. #5
    diat is good i train hard but i train 5 days a week 1 chest - back - legs -arms then shoulders off sat-sun

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i woulda done the sust atleast 500mg/week but split it up so u shoot eod,and the deac around 400mg/week. other than that its gotta b ur diet.

  7. #7
    is it possable to get to a point that your body just says no i was 130lbs when i started training 3 years ago im 25 now the last 2 cycles have done the same from around 169 to 180 and stop and slowly lose it all also i have done good pct

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    at that weight theres no way ur body is gon stop growing. its the gear or ur diet bro. u have to keep eating after the cycle to keep ur gains as well.

    i keep most of my gains off each cycle. i was 150 when i started now im up to 225 and still gaining

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    fix your diet.....i only lose about 15% of my gains and maintain the rest till next cycle come around which could be six months-to-a year in between....

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