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  1. #1
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Question for experienced bro

    Iam ending my var cycle in 40 days Iam currently running
    500 test enth wk/
    400 EQ wk/
    50mg var ED
    and Iam wondering if I should up my EQ to 600 to compensate for the nice
    extra pump I get from the var...and when should I start the EQ at 600 4 weeks before I run out of var?

  2. #2
    saluu's Avatar
    saluu is offline Banned
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    run it normal at 400 not 600 eq should be taken atleast 10 weeks and eq does also give you nice pumps as well. I belive that eq is stronger than var plus it is an injectable run eq and than run test 3 weeks longer and jump into pct another thing you can do is after test run winny to harden up even more that way you don;t lose strenght and mass and can jump into pct. I love eq i have tried anavar as well it does harden you up but when it comes to mass and vascularity i like eq anavar is not a strong steriod and also eq is underrated it is mg per mg stronger than deca and puts on lean gains not like deca just bloat you have to run eq at least 10 weeks id say run 12 weeks at 400 the longer you run it the better more doesnt always mean good because eq will give you muscles hard and definied but it takes a while to kick in . i loved eq you see nice veins . a good cycle to run and it is cheap and will produce dramatic results is run eq with winny excellent cutting cycle.

  3. #3
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Outside the walls
    Quote Originally Posted by saluu
    run it normal at 400 not 600 eq should be taken atleast 10 weeks and eq does also give you nice pumps as well. I belive that eq is stronger than var plus it is an injectable run eq and than run test 3 weeks longer and jump into pct another thing you can do is after test run winny to harden up even more that way you don;t lose strenght and mass and can jump into pct. I love eq i have tried anavar as well it does harden you up but when it comes to mass and vascularity i like eq anavar is not a strong steriod and also eq is underrated it is mg per mg stronger than deca and puts on lean gains not like deca just bloat you have to run eq at least 10 weeks id say run 12 weeks at 400 the longer you run it the better more doesnt always mean good because eq will give you muscles hard and definied but it takes a while to kick in . i loved eq you see nice veins . a good cycle to run and it is cheap and will produce dramatic results is run eq with winny excellent cutting cycle.
    eh..thanks for the input anybody else

  4. #4
    P Rock's Avatar
    P Rock is offline Member
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    i would keep it the same, keep the test higher than the EQ.

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