does anybody have any info on TEST 400 made by DENKALL?
does anybody have any info on TEST 400 made by DENKALL?
besides that it hurts like a bitch
heres the breakdown
25mgs. propionate
187mgs. cypionate
188mgs. enanthate
could you tell me a little more about it? such as how much you gain/keep, where to find info on it, etc?
gains and keepable gains are judged by diet and training not the type of gear you use.
personally i wouldnt touch the stuff
if your diet and training are good look up
a cyp or enrthate,eq or deca,and dbol,cycle if youur looking for nice size.
i was planning on a sust and deca cycle, but this guy i know got test 400 instead of sust 250. should i get the test 400 form him or wait for sust?
some people who try it like it some dont.i have no personal exp.with it.denkall have been getting some fakes because of their recent popularity expecially in the south.make sure you check the batch numbers and holograms.this site might help
its simple testosterone with a sting
lil jay, do you think test 400 would be better than sust 250?
if those are the choices bro id go with sus 2x wk is easier to regulate then 1 shot a wk,unless if you were planning on 2x wk with t-400 which i doubt.
i have never used T400,but i do like sustanon.if you were going to run the sus but all you can get now is T400 then go for it.IMO it should be a good substitute.remember to check the batch# and holograms on the box and label with the T400
and their website is
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