HI guys, just wanted to know, how fast acting is dbol at what dose? and what can a user expect from it?
HI guys, just wanted to know, how fast acting is dbol at what dose? and what can a user expect from it?
I would not recommend a D-Bol only stack as you will not keep your gains.
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However, D-Bol has a very short half life and therefore is quite quick acting, in my experience you will feel it in 3-4 days and see strengh and size in about 7 days. But you would keep either unless you we're using something else.
D-bol is fast reacting but as Big Al says you need to keep them topped up b,c of the half life.You will experience gd weight gain in which some of this will be water.Strength gains are also good.How quick you see gains varies on the person but it is normally 4 - 10 days.This is what I have researched and I have no prior exp/use
D-Bol only cycle will give you some gains but you do need to stack it as you will lose the gains quickly.
At what dose and how fast? . . . That depends in large part on what state your body is in when you start taking it. Some users will say that it takes a week or two to kick in. Others will say it takes only days. For me, it takes only days. The difference (IMO) between experiences is that some guys only workout hard when they are actually taking something. So when they go on dbol, their systems do not need to rely on the drug to recoup for at least a week or two. At that point, they may be only holding enough water to make them feel bigger, but still not making drastic gains.
However, if you workout hard (short, very intense workouts) for several weeks prior to starting, you should realize drastic gains in muscle mass and strength virtually immediately. At over 240 lbs., I have felt regenerized within 3 days from just 15 mg. a day.
Whether you keep your gains or not on a dbol only cycle depends more on how long your cycle lasts (eg., not longer than 5-6 weeks), the structure of your cycle, what you take after, and how long before you start your next cycle, than what you stack it with, if anything.
The gains you get from dbol alone can be great. Of course, the gains you get from a stack will be greater. For each person, it comes down to their goals, expectations, etc., all of which have a lot to do with experience. That is, my first cycle was dbol only and I could not believe the gains - I was on top of the world. As time goes on, you experiment more and stack. Now the gains made on that first cycle do not appear to be as amazing. That being said, I don't agree with the philosophy that first time users gain more on less - I think its just a matter of perspective. It's like getting laid for the first time - it could be great with a fat chick just because it's your first time, but if it were with a hot babe, you could blow your load all over the room. Years later you may look back at the experience with the fat chick and want to puke, but that does not mean that it was not great when it happened. It's all a matter of perspective and experience.
Hey Juiceon - good post! I've done d-bol only cycles and you can keep the strength gains, at least I did. It all depends on what your goals are.
I am taking d-bol as well but with deca and sustanon. I take all 40 mg (5 mg pills) 2 hrs before I hit the gym and get a great pump! Should I just take half and half or is all 8 pills go to take at once?
I've heard others take them all at once before workouts and get great pumps, but I don't think that is the way to go. Although it may feel great, the pump is certainly not instant muscle growth. You grow throughout the day, especially when you are sleeping and when you rest, so I believe it is best to provide your body with the "chemicals" or horomones it needs throughout the ENTIRE day.Originally posted by BigPete
I am taking d-bol as well but with deca and sustanon. I take all 40 mg (5 mg pills) 2 hrs before I hit the gym and get a great pump! Should I just take half and half or is all 8 pills go to take at once?
I don't quite understand what you are trying to say? So what do you recommend for the d-bol half and half or all at once?
Dbols have life is 3-4 hours, so it is wise to spilt up the dose say 1-2 tabs every 3-4 hours. However, if one wishes to use dbol as a bridge, this can be acheived by taking 20-25mg all at once early in the morning. This method will give u great pumps during your workout but will not inhibit hpta.
ditto - split it up throughout the day. Not just two doses - - but 4 or 5.Originally posted by Nimrod25
Dbols have life is 3-4 hours, so it is wise to spilt up the dose say 1-2 tabs every 3-4 hours.
dude,never take 8 dianabols at once man,not only are you basically wasting it(you need to spread your doses throughout the day 2 in the morning, 2 afternoon,2mid afternoon,2 in the evening)but they have been known to upset your stomach.they did that to me.I'd always either take em during a meal,or with a protein shake or bar..good luck man...
i have 50mg dbol pills, i have 44 of them, what is the best way to take them?
1 a day? before workout? how long before work out?
40mg/ed, didnt feel anything for about 2 weeks..
10yr old thread............
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