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Thread: new to gym and roids and needing help

  1. #1

    new to gym and roids and needing help

    Hi I posted a few days ago about being 5 weeks in the gym. I just started lifting and got on roids after one week. Everyone said I should not of done the roids so soon. I can now agree with you all. Here is my question. Should I stop the cycle 4 weeks into it and go natural. I really want to keep the gains I make. If I do stop I have some clomid. should I take that? Should I worry about that stuff with only doing 4 weeks. I used deca durablin 4.5mg for 4 weeks now. It was going to be a 9 week cycle. Should I finish the cycle and plan on not doing it again? I really dont want to make gains and loose them all. I really dont want to be huge. I just want to look good. thanks for those who help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    north east
    bottom line is you have no idea what your doing and you shouldnt be taking steroids...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    week 5 of deca only....hmmm...yeah bro stop and wait 2 weeks and then take your clomid...50mg ed should be enough with you only taking it for 2 weeks.


    train hard,diet and cardio..come back in a couple of yrs when your ready

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i think you mean 4.5 ml of deca not 4.5mg (most people take 400-500mg a week)

  5. #5
    AnabolicAlien Guest


    stop everything.

    don't take clomid. you'll be fine. train hard for a few years and see what happens. you'll make enormous gains especially if you've never been lifting before. focus on your diet, training, and sleep. check out the other forums on this board.

    if you really want to use chemicals use stuff like creatine, multivitamins, etc.

    i'd definitely take caffeine, ephedrine, aspirin before workouts to give a boost and help burn any fat you have.

    i'd even stay away from pro-hormones for at least a year or two.

    Last edited by AnabolicAlien; 12-02-2004 at 02:31 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    First off who's the idiot that told u and sold u steriods being you just started lifting?
    Stop what your taking now and wait 3 weeks then start clomid.
    300mgs the first day 100mgs for 10 days and 50mgs for 10 days.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter
    bottom line is you have no idea what your doing and you shouldnt be taking steroids...
    If you read his post, you would see that he understands it now. WE need less jacka$$ posts like yours and more help that stays focused on the question asked. Anyways, like the others said, get your training and diet in order and you'll get far better results. good luck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    stop now before u damage urself even more, dont panic tho as 5weeks isnt at all bad, take the clomid 2weeks after ur last deca shot, take 300mg on day one then 100mg for days 2-11 then 50mg days 11-21 and u should b ok, also take some tribulas ED whilst on the clomid, u can get tribulas online and its a supplement that causes and elevation in test levels (good for after roids)

    there is however a lesson to b learnt by this, dont jump into something u dont kno much about like AS as it can b extremely damaging if done incorrectly

    use the search button and do some more resarch on AS, this board is contains all the info u need, hope it all works out

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    3 weeks after last shot not 2weeks as its deca...woops

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Why are u guys telling him he doesn't need clomid?? He's been on deca for 4 weeks now so he needs to take clomid unless he was taking a really low dose. And even then I'd still tell him to take it just to be safe.
    Deca is one of the hardest drugs when it comes to HTPA shutdown.

  11. #11
    AnabolicAlien Guest

    well said..

    well said aXe... no need to be nasty to members who are trying to learn and do things right... no matter how dumb something seems.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    agree Mbaraso, better safe than sorry, also its a small investement

  13. #13
    I failed to mention I added sustanon 250 last week and was going to stack this with the deca durabolin. 5 more weeks till the cycle is over. I have some nolva I was going to take and finish the cycle with clomid. I just dont want to ruin myself before I start. I did make a large cash investment that I would hate to throw down the toilet , but I would if It was absoulutly the best thing for me. I have had good gains in both wieght on the bar and on my body. I really need to lose some fat before I would ever look good. It would be ok to flame me because I know I screwed up but it is a little to late to say "I wouldnt of juiced my first week in the gym" because I already know that. I do thank you all who are experienced and are willing to help the new guy who is trying hard but a little confused

  14. #14
    I will take your advice and stop before it goes on any longer. I will continue to go to the gym and continue to update on progress I may have. thanks for the honesty

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    This sounds like a typical gym nightmare story and the sad thing is it's probably not entirely your fault because some jack off probably sold u the steriods with nothing more in mind then making $.
    Stop everything right now. Wait 3 weeks from your last injection and start clomid.
    300mgs the first day, 100mgs for 10 days and 50mgs for 10 days.
    After that don't think about taking anything for atleast 2yrs, maybe even longer.
    Diet and cardio is what you need to be focusing on now to lose the fat.
    And just out of curiousity: Who sold u the juice? Was it a local dealer or did u get em online? And how much did u spend?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    i belive stopping now is really in ur best intrests concerning ur health, also its not ok to flame u as people make mistakes and there are lots of guys like urself out there who start on the gear right away not knowing what they are doing

    also if anyone does flame u there not responding to ur question and are not giving positive feedback and being productive

    like i sed b4 use the search buttton ALL the info is here right infront of u

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    post ur diet in the diet forum if ur wanting to clean it up and lose fat

  18. #18
    I got my gear online and probably spent around 400. I got the deca durabolin 2 bottles. enough for a good 9 weeks and used 4 weeks . I got 5 sustanon 250 (used only 1week) . I have clomid and nolva which I havnt taken any yet. I did some online research and jumped in feet first. I really like the gains I have made so far but as I am hearing I would of had great gains my first 4 weeks anyway.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    most of ur gains will come after weeks 4-5 thats when the deca/test will kick in so more gains can b expected,save ur gear and do some research then do a proper cycle wit everything in place later next year

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Come up with a solid diet and training program, post it up in the appropriate forums and we'll critique it for you. Youll make much better gains from a planned method of attack than just half assing it and injecting drugs.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Since you already have the clomid, I say use it. Like others have said, start 3 weeks after your final injection, 300mg first day, 100mg/day first week, and 50mg/day for 3 more weeks or until it is gone. It may be an unnecessary precaution but hey, you already got it and it is a very benign drug.

    Your first 4-5 months of training, if you are training, eating, and recovering properly, are a period of explosive growth, even without gear.

    Oh, tell us more about the deca, particularly the packaging. Something sounds fishy. What is the strength? 100mg/ml? How much in each jug? What does the label say? Also are you noticing any difficulty in getting a boner? You should be starting to notice just a touch of "deca dick" by now. I am wondering if you were sold some bogus gear. The guy who sold it to you obviously has no scruples, anyway.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by britishdragons
    I got my gear online and probably spent around 400. I got the deca durabolin 2 bottles. enough for a good 9 weeks and used 4 weeks . I got 5 sustanon 250 (used only 1week) . I have clomid and nolva which I havnt taken any yet. I did some online research and jumped in feet first. I really like the gains I have made so far but as I am hearing I would of had great gains my first 4 weeks anyway.

    ****!!! 400 bucks!?!?!

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