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Thread: Bonds: "didntknow they were steroids"

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
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    also remember that there were about 20 something games less though back in the day. and what you need to realize is evolution of the human body from then to now. The average sized person back then was far less than what they are today, Naturally! But if you ask who would be considered the best player EVER i would put my .02 for Willy Mays. I know that Ruth has great credibility due to him being not only a great pitcher but a fantastic hitter but i am going to say Mays for all the defence and offence stats he OWNS!! About the Bonds issue, the only reason that he will never be considered the greatest anymore is because he has lied to the media for over a year about the steroid use. Those words said by him stating that he had no idea they were anabolics were said over a year ago when he had to testify in fron of the grand jury. All of that was kept secret and confidential but every time bonds was asked if he used steroids he completelly and flat out DENIED IT, even when testifying that he did use it a month earlier!!! Being a lier to the media and fans is what will hurt him in the end and thats how its gonna be.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    in a gym
    Who gives a rats ass if he juiced.I know 4 pro ball players one being a mvp and they all juice and use hgh.And they all say that most [85-90] percent in the league juice.Its either join in or be left out.And someone said that the sports need to be pure i agree but i dont fault someone for using when almost all do.Bonds as a family to feed and hes doing what it takes to keep doing so.And if one soul in here says that they would not if in his shoe is a liar.And look and his hr's they go up every year with no juice.Look at sosa.He juices and uses corked bats so why he is not targeted i dont know.

  3. #43
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    Bonds could have retired 9 years ago and would still be able to feed his family, his families family and far beyond that. Money isnt the point bosshogg3 when dealing with this situation. Its the clear fact that all pro sports set a standard which make it fair for everyone in professional leagues all over the world. I personally dont care whether any athlete takes AAS because juice really wont make a bad person good but rather give a good person the edge needed. But that "edge" is what heads of professional sports thinks is uncalled for and outright wrong. Thats why something has to be done.

  4. #44
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    Nov 2004
    why not take advantage of all options to start making superhuman athletes? Since baseball didn't ban them until recently, they probably had underground 'doctors' forever!

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Here and there
    he's still the man...

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    20/20 was on Friday had CEO of balco mentioned Barry Bonds in the piece.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Chicago burbs!
    I don't know if this was said at all already, but here it is.

    Barry Bonds put up quality hall of fame numbers before he started hitting the longball. He was still winning gold gloves, still getting on base, and still being a fantastic player. Did steroids help him? Of course, or nobody would take them. But to say that he should be banned because he was a hall of famer before he took anything is just plain dumb.

    Oh and bonds never admitted to taking anything other than clear and cream. And Conte never said that he dealt with Bonds directly. Anderson said that he never gave bonds steroids. So the 3 main people here are keeping Barry out of it. He will most likely not get a purjery charge beacuse there isn't much proof of him taking any of it except for what sheffield has said. And the Giambi family were roiding way before Balco...

    Sosa wasn't implicated because I don't think he went through Balco. But it's obvious. I live in chicago, and i see him play. he is slower, weaker, smaller. He isn't the sosa he used to be. I mean COME ON, who the hell gets benched from sneezing? I don't think my grandma has threw out her frekin back from a sneeze. Sosa was being a pussy because he sucked last year, and unfortunately now we cant trade him off because of Giambi and what's going on with the Yankees (trying to find a way to null his contract because he does what the rest of them do)

    Last point, Barry Bonds is one of the best hitters. Who can make contact like he can? Who can lay off pitches that are balls by an inch like he can? Hell, he stole more bases than sosa probably injected himself... Bonds should be in the hall of fame, and if their isn't proof of anything else, there should be no asterik next to his records.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by madjsp
    I don't know if this was said at all already, but here it is.

    Barry Bonds put up quality hall of fame numbers before he started hitting the longball. He was still winning gold gloves, still getting on base, and still being a fantastic player. Did steroids help him? Of course, or nobody would take them. But to say that he should be banned because he was a hall of famer before he took anything is just plain dumb.

    Oh and bonds never admitted to taking anything other than clear and cream. And Conte never said that he dealt with Bonds directly. Anderson said that he never gave bonds steroids. So the 3 main people here are keeping Barry out of it. He will most likely not get a purjery charge beacuse there isn't much proof of him taking any of it except for what sheffield has said. And the Giambi family were roiding way before Balco...

    Sosa wasn't implicated because I don't think he went through Balco. But it's obvious. I live in chicago, and i see him play. he is slower, weaker, smaller. He isn't the sosa he used to be. I mean COME ON, who the hell gets benched from sneezing? I don't think my grandma has threw out her frekin back from a sneeze. Sosa was being a pussy because he sucked last year, and unfortunately now we cant trade him off because of Giambi and what's going on with the Yankees (trying to find a way to null his contract because he does what the rest of them do)

    Last point, Barry Bonds is one of the best hitters. Who can make contact like he can? Who can lay off pitches that are balls by an inch like he can? Hell, he stole more bases than sosa probably injected himself... Bonds should be in the hall of fame, and if their isn't proof of anything else, there should be no asterik next to his records.
    would bonds still be playing today if he didnt have help? i dont think anyone doubts his talent and he is getting singled out because of who he is but if he is caught lying he should be banned just like rose was, rose would still be in b-ball today if he would've just fessed up. If a majority of the majors was on juice than whats the big deal, why dont they just come clean, its not going to have as big an impact on bonds if everyone else just admitted it too.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I would rather see huge mofo's knocking the crap out of the ball anyday. these guys are still gifted atheletes that work thier ass off. They don't just inject and get good like many people think. I think juice should be legal in all sports just to make it a fair playing field. Steroids used to be legal dammit. If they made creatine illegal (for instance) would the guys who use it be considered cheating? JUICE THE F*CK UP!!!!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In da Lac ridin on dubs
    Yeah, I say let them juice...It's their decision and it makes the game way better....think about it there have been no 50+ homerun hitter in the last two year......then think about the years before that guys blasting 60-70 a year.

  11. #51
    Join Date
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    Chicago burbs!
    Because if they all come out and admit that they were on steroids, or atleast some of the ones that are suspected, they will be tarnished, and so will baseball. You can speculate about a lot of people taking roids, but you can't say "Yes he is." You can only say that for a couple of people. If Bonds came out right now and said "I took HGH, Clear, Cream, etc., then he would be tarnished, and his records wouldn't count. As if the next closest person didn't do anything illegal to get where they were. The only reason it is a big deal is because they think that it sends the wrong message to the kids. That you need to cheat to get ahead, but that's not what it comes down to. You have to adapt to get ahead, not cheat. Bonds will break the record, and he will dominate baseball, as he always has.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    i dont care anymore, im siitinhere worring about whos juicing and whats fair, who cares they make more money than god, they could shoot themselves up with heroin for all i care anymore

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