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I don't know if this was said at all already, but here it is.
Barry Bonds put up quality hall of fame numbers before he started hitting the longball. He was still winning gold gloves, still getting on base, and still being a fantastic player. Did steroids help him? Of course, or nobody would take them. But to say that he should be banned because he was a hall of famer before he took anything is just plain dumb.
Oh and bonds never admitted to taking anything other than clear and cream. And Conte never said that he dealt with Bonds directly. Anderson said that he never gave bonds steroids. So the 3 main people here are keeping Barry out of it. He will most likely not get a purjery charge beacuse there isn't much proof of him taking any of it except for what sheffield has said. And the Giambi family were roiding way before Balco...
Sosa wasn't implicated because I don't think he went through Balco. But it's obvious. I live in chicago, and i see him play. he is slower, weaker, smaller. He isn't the sosa he used to be. I mean COME ON, who the hell gets benched from sneezing? I don't think my grandma has threw out her frekin back from a sneeze. Sosa was being a pussy because he sucked last year, and unfortunately now we cant trade him off because of Giambi and what's going on with the Yankees (trying to find a way to null his contract because he does what the rest of them do)
Last point, Barry Bonds is one of the best hitters. Who can make contact like he can? Who can lay off pitches that are balls by an inch like he can? Hell, he stole more bases than sosa probably injected himself... Bonds should be in the hall of fame, and if their isn't proof of anything else, there should be no asterik next to his records.