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Thread: Bromo sickness

  1. #1
    Zues is offline Associate Member
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    Bromo sickness

    Ive been taking 2.5 mg daily of Bromo to help get rid of what I believe was progesterone gyno. After taking it for about a week I have noticed I have been very tired all the time. Sleeping over 12 hours a day. Supression of appetite and havent been eating my normal intake. Trouble sleeping at night with night sweats. During the day Ive also been so tired that Ive been skipping some of my workouts and classes. I hear bromo can make you sick. Do these symptoms sound like thats whats causing it. Ive chanced nothing else about my lifestyle except that.

  2. #2
    Rookiejay's Avatar
    Rookiejay is offline Member
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    I posted on this board last year some research results on "progesterone gyno". I don't have them on this comp, but if you search you'll find them.

    Here's the summary - there is no such thing as a "progesterone gyno". Estrogen causes gyno - progesterone magnifies estrogen's effect on gyno development. To combat - you have to block estrogen - nolva is the best thing.

    Another type of gyno (don't remember the technical term for it - experts, please, jump in to help me out on this one) which is very rare - is when you actually start lactating --- that's when you need bromo to combat it. Winny is one of the AAS that can cause that.

    So, unless you're running a Winny only cycle - you don't need bromo.

    If you think you have a progesterone gyno - take nolva - till the symptoms subside.

    Good luck


    PS. I'll try to find this research article --- I think it was the UCLA research. I think the name of the research was "Progesterone affect on gyno.... development"

  3. #3
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah - bromo sucks - I hated it, made me lethargic, sick (due to the fact that it's a dopamine agonist) - really unpleasant ****ty feeling - I hear dostinex (cabergoline) is way better in terms of sides (but of course way more expensive)....

  4. #4
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Dostinex is good @ keeping prolactin levels down...the only sides I get are good side effects...I use Dostinex whenever tren is part of my cycle.....

  5. #5
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    Hey almostgone - do you have a libido increase?

  6. #6
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Well, I'll put it this is definitely more intense...

  7. #7
    bluestrm is offline Associate Member
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    Rookiejay, you seriously need to read up on prolactin and progesterone. Not only do you have your estrogens fu(ked up, but you have your AAS as well. Lactation can be produced fom Tren and Deca . Not Winny. Nolva will do absolutely sh!t for nothing when you have progesterone induced gyno form Tren or Deca.
    Last edited by bluestrm; 12-05-2004 at 11:03 AM.

  8. #8
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    My experience with Bromo was almost exactly how you described...I swore I would never run it again after an awful week of trying to combat what I thought was Fina induced progesterone sides.

    CYCLEON recommended Dostinex to me once, and I have used it with no problems each subsequent run of Fina.

    Good luck bro, the feelings that Bromo produces is a nausea that nothing can get rid of. I felt like absolute **** when I ran it, so I know your pain.

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