Whats up fellas! I'm fixin to do a Prop/Fina cycle and had a few questions. Stats: 24 Yrs Old. 5'10" 195ibs, approx 11-12% BF. . My diet IS in check(SGX, and dont come callin for advice on it.....not gonna happen). I do cardio 5-7 days a week for 45-55 min at 65-75% of Max Heart Rate. Currently just using ECA and other supps, but fixing to do an 6 week 2 week on 2 week off Clen cycle.
Here's my proposed Cycle:
wk 1-10 prop 100mg ED
wk 1-8 fina 75mg ED
wk 1-2, 5-6, 9-10 Clenbuterol(maybe)
wk 6-10 Winny 50mg Tabs ED (maybe)
500mcg b12 ED (If shots get sore)
10mg nolva ED
.25 ldex ED
Ok, here's my ?'s.......
1) I basically want to shed some more BF, cut up and gain some Lean muscle. I'm not worried about putting on 30 ibs of muscle, if I was I would be going with Test E, Deca, DBol, etc. I'm wondering right about where my calories should be for optimum fat loss????(considering cardio and diet are in check). I know if I eat around 4000 cal's a day I will put on a lot of muscle, and i dont want to do that, so I was thioning somewhere between 2000-3000. What do you guys think?
2) Can i still run Clen WHILE I'm on the Prop/Fina??? Or should I just use the Clen before the Prop/Fina cycle to try to shed as much BF as I can and lay off the Clen during the cycle?(but obviously continue with cardio and diet) What do you think?
3) Is there any way to combat the night sweats and sleepless nights? I'm going to run it about First or mid January, right during winter so the sweats hopefully wont be so bad.
4) What kind of BF loss and gains should I see assuming cardio, diet, and Cal's are in check??? I know its hard to predict, but anyone want to give it a shot? Keep in mind I'm mainly wanting to shed BF, cut up, and gain some lean mass.
5) What do you think about throwing in some Winny at the end? To basically harden up???
Well thats my questions! Sorry for all the blabber and thanks in advance for any help you guys could offer!!