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Thread: What all do i need for first cycle?

  1. #1

    What all do i need for first cycle?

    I have been reading alot but cant decide. I already have a 10ml bottle of Test 250. Anything else you suggest? Nolvadex, clomid? Where would i get it at? Would you suggest stacking on first cycle and if so what else should i get? Sorry for all the questions. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    armpit of the country(NJ)
    most people will suggest test only for first cycle so you can see how your body reacts to it, definately get your post cycle therapy together before starting, click on the banner-top right of your screen, they offer pct chems for your research (tamox=is nolva)

  3. #3
    educate yourself more before you stick it to yourself.
    have pct ready
    have lots of nolva
    get ur diet in gear
    get ur suppliments up

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Slickone
    I have been reading alot but cant decide. I already have a 10ml bottle of Test 250. Anything else you suggest? Nolvadex, clomid? Where would i get it at? Would you suggest stacking on first cycle and if so what else should i get? Sorry for all the questions. Thanks in advance.
    In my opinion, your jumping into this. Do you know how long your cycle is gonna be? Do you know your goals? Have diet checked in? Workout checked in? PCT ready?

    Bro, in no way at all is this a flame and I am sorry if your taking it that way, but this is something that could seriously hurt you if you do not take all precautions in this. Take some time, read, research more, and ask questions.

    I could help you more if I knew your goals...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JerzeyBoy
    In my opinion, your jumping into this. Do you know how long your cycle is gonna be? Do you know your goals? Have diet checked in? Workout checked in? PCT ready?

    Bro, in no way at all is this a flame and I am sorry if your taking it that way, but this is something that could seriously hurt you if you do not take all precautions in this. Take some time, read, research more, and ask questions.

    I could help you more if I knew your goals...
    I know man i really have no clue but want to learn about it. What would you consider for a good diet? How long of a cycle would you do for first cycle, 10 weeks? What would you do to get ready for PCT?

  6. #6
    PCT - post cycle therapy

    start reading

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by smegs
    PCT - post cycle therapy

    start reading
    I am sorry i guess i worded it wrong i know what PCT is but i was wondering like what you do to train for it. Like train hard?

  8. #8
    oh ok ok sorry
    i personally train harder during pct to keep my gains

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by smegs
    oh ok ok sorry
    i personally train harder during pct to keep my gains
    Cool thanks......

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by smegs
    oh ok ok sorry
    i personally train harder during pct to keep my gains
    Cool thanks......Can you get nolvadex in a pill?

  11. #11
    yea of course
    nolva is not just for your pct though, it should be taken throughout your cycle and during your pct
    u need clomid if you are unaware.

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