Will it be extremely elivated with AAS use? I'm getting tested for it and I'm on cycle, will it be easy to tell I'm on? I know most of you get Free Test measured but this is "Serum" whats the difference?
Will it be extremely elivated with AAS use? I'm getting tested for it and I'm on cycle, will it be easy to tell I'm on? I know most of you get Free Test measured but this is "Serum" whats the difference?
the range for narmal men is between 300-800, my old boss got his tested while on anadrol,deca,sus,and clen and it was 1800. it will greatly elevate the # becuse essentialy that is where your gear ends up in your blood to be distributed into your cells
**** maybe I can avoid it, I just don't want it on my medical record that I've done AAS
Dont take the test then, Refuse to take it. It will definatly show up.
Normal range is 400-1200
Last edited by Anhydro78; 12-14-2004 at 11:54 PM.
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