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Thread: cycle help

  1. #1
    TheBrent's Avatar
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    Question cycle help

    ok, i weigh 140 pounds, 9% body fat and my (first) cycle looks like this
    week 1-6 30 mg D-bol ED
    week 3-8 winstrol ? either 25 mg oral tab or drink ED
    week 6-8 anavar 25 mg ED
    pct week 9-12 nolvadex 40 mg ED for one week then 20 mg ED

    not sure about the winstrol, if i get a liquid, how much should i drink a day at this body weight 1, 50 mg cc? or do you think 25 mg oral tabs would be better every day? any advice on my cycle is well appreciated. ive been lifting for a total of 3.5 years but pretty seriousl for the past year. thanks in advance

  2. #2
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    a little more weight before ya start would be a good Idea.
    hit up a good diet and training. get to max natural gains first.
    then research test only cycles as that is best for a first cycle

  3. #3
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    well i hate to be an a$$ but i highly recommend using some sort of test in with the cycle. if i was you i would the cycle like this

    1-10 Test(either Enan or Cyp or Prop)
    1-6 Anavar @ 30mg/day
    6-10 Winstrol @ 50mg/day
    1-4 Dbol @ 30mg/day
    1-10 Nolva @ 10mg/day
    PCT two weeks after last shot of Enan or Cyp, or 3to4 days after last shot of prop.

    Good luck bro.

  4. #4
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    o crap, forgot. didnt realize first cycle. Then use a form of test only for a first cycle. But i would listen to drive_kid about the natural thing before ever contemplating using the gear. Bro you have a lot of natural potential ahead of you so wate it out before thinking of using AAS. Good luck

  5. #5
    dive_kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlasticFuture112
    well i hate to be an a$$ but i highly recommend using some sort of test in with the cycle. if i was you i would the cycle like this

    1-10 Test(either Enan or Cyp or Prop)
    1-6 Anavar @ 30mg/day
    6-10 Winstrol @ 50mg/day
    1-4 Dbol @ 30mg/day
    1-10 Nolva @ 10mg/day
    PCT two weeks after last shot of Enan or Cyp, or 3to4 days after last shot of prop.

    Good luck bro.

    you dont think ant 140lbs might be a little early for gear?
    and I totaly agree with test. it is a must in any cycle.

  6. #6
    Odin is offline Member
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    WHY? would you be taking some cutting roids when its your first cycle and you only weight 140? Take 500mg test E and 30mg d-bol buy some nolvdex but don't take until you feel inchy nip's. Eat like a pig and hold the hover dam in water weight. You need to stretch some serious skin before thinking about winny or var. Hell you should try hit 170 with your first cycle as a goal.

  7. #7
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    no do think its way too much. thats why in my second post im fully agreeing with your statements. I had no idea that he was going to make this his first cycle. then i recommended a single ester form of test only for the first cycle. but even then he is not ready to cycle due to the natural mass gaining abilities he still holds. yes i agree 140lbs is a little light to be even thinking of juicing. what he needs is to start thinking about EATING, with lots of protein, carbs, cals/day. EAT TO GROW MY FRIEND!! DONT THINK ABOUT THE GEAR JUST YET!! Its the best way and you will realize this sooner or later. Good luck my friend.

  8. #8
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    Dont Recommend Any Cycles For This Lad, Hes Not Physically Ready For It. Sorry Bro I Hate To Be An A$$ But You Of All Ppl Should Realize That 140 Is Light Enough To Know That You Can Eat To Gain Weight And Size. Eat Eat Eat!!! I Will Not Stress It Enough To You. You Will Know That If This Is Done Correctly That You Will Shoot To 170 Like Nobodies Business. Trus Me When I Tell You This. Peace!!

  9. #9
    TheBrent's Avatar
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    thanks for the info guys, i have been packing on the weight pretty well naturally in the past year. ive got an okay diet and im looking into a nutrisionist right now. i just have small legs so it makes my weight sound really bad, that is why im focusing on them a lot more. im still interested in (possibly) taking something, so whats the deal with a test only starter cycle? i think ive heard people before say to use test in later cycles when other AS's quit working as well

  10. #10
    dive_kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlasticFuture112
    Dont Recommend Any Cycles For This Lad, Hes Not Physically Ready For It. Sorry Bro I Hate To Be An A$$ But You Of All Ppl Should Realize That 140 Is Light Enough To Know That You Can Eat To Gain Weight And Size. Eat Eat Eat!!! I Will Not Stress It Enough To You. You Will Know That If This Is Done Correctly That You Will Shoot To 170 Like Nobodies Business. Trus Me When I Tell You This. Peace!!
    could not agree more. and sorry about my last post. posted it before I saw

  11. #11
    dive_kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrent
    thanks for the info guys, i have been packing on the weight pretty well naturally in the past year. ive got an okay diet and im looking into a nutrisionist right now. i just have small legs so it makes my weight sound really bad, that is why im focusing on them a lot more. im still interested in (possibly) taking something, so whats the deal with a test only starter cycle? i think ive heard people before say to use test in later cycles when other AS's quit working as well
    the base of all cycles should be test. it will not stop working. test is needed to grow. the above drugs you listed will all shut down your natural production.
    with out test you will not retain much of your gains, feel like crap and get a hole lot of limp dick. like mentioned above, eat like a horse and train hard you will grow. then look into a test cycle.

  12. #12
    TheBrent's Avatar
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    well i will definetly take all this in consideration, ive been eating like mad man for a while and do see some results, like i said a nutritionist and is in plan and he will be helping me with a mass gaining routine.

  13. #13
    Odin is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrent
    thanks for the info guys, i have been packing on the weight pretty well naturally in the past year. ive got an okay diet and im looking into a nutrisionist right now. i just have small legs so it makes my weight sound really bad, that is why im focusing on them a lot more. im still interested in (possibly) taking something, so whats the deal with a test only starter cycle? i think ive heard people before say to use test in later cycles when other AS's quit working as well

    1.Ok first off what are your stat's, height age...
    2.Second how many calories are you getting a day roughly?
    3.How long have you been at this weight?

    Really you should provide a lot of info before anyone can really evaluate you.

  14. #14
    TheBrent's Avatar
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    alternatives AS to shooting up? hate to say it but im a little biatch when it comes to needles. as far as weight, im going to work on packing on another 20-30 lbs but (not that its much) my 140-145 lbs is pretty built, especialy in the upper body area so my muscle is developed well and strength to body weight is also pretty good. if down the road i do decide to start a cycle, what kind of test should i take

  15. #15
    TheBrent's Avatar
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    5' 7" 9% bf i would say close to 4000 cals, and gaining. at this weight for a few weeks, i would say im actually about 143lbs now where a month ago, 139-140lbs

  16. #16
    Odin is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrent
    alternatives AS to shooting up? hate to say it but im a little biatch when it comes to needles. as far as weight, im going to work on packing on another 20-30 lbs but (not that its much) my 140-145 lbs is pretty built, especialy in the upper body area so my muscle is developed well and strength to body weight is also pretty good. if down the road i do decide to start a cycle, what kind of test should i take
    Test E it cheap and works great, d-bol is great combo with it, Just buy some test E and d-bol, then set a goal 160-170 and when you hit that weight naturally then start your cycle. Odd's are your diet might be bad, but you might be overtraing as well, do a search on this site for a program called DogCrapp sounds dumb but I love it and it put's weight on. If you really want to get big you will.

  17. #17
    TheBrent's Avatar
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    awesome, thanks man. i appreciate it and will check that out.

  18. #18
    Odin is offline Member
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    Ok your shorter 5'7 so if you can get to 160 naturally your gold for the cycle, since their are Pro Bodybuilders 5'7 200. See now if you were say 6' then you would want to be around 180 before going on.

  19. #19
    Odin is offline Member
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    Ok it doggcrapp I messed up, here

    good luck

  20. #20
    TheBrent's Avatar
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    nice, i'll check it out. just weighed, i havent hit the scale in a while and its 146! so i can hold out till 160. im definetly going to read up a lot more on test and 1st cycles, but am way turned off by needles for my first round.

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