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Thread: PO and AAS

  1. #1
    guns626 is offline Associate Member
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    In The Pink!!!!!

    PO and AAS

    Hey bro, I know this is going to sound bad, but has anyone on here ever been on probation and their po asked them if they were using AAS. If so, how did you respond? My PO uses those dip panels for drug screens, are there any of those for AAS or would he have to send me to a lab for MS/GC? I understand that the test at a lab for AAS is very expensive. I would like to hear from people who have been through a similar situation. If you would feel more comfortable, pm me. Thanks

  2. #2
    guns626 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!

  3. #3
    P Rock's Avatar
    P Rock is offline Member
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    dont worry bout it, just tell him you dont juice, you are scared of needles and you wouldnt ever take them. those panel drug test are only for marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and things of that nature. steroids are tested seperately and it is very expensive.

  4. #4
    Anhydro78's Avatar
    Anhydro78 is offline Anabolic Member
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    They dont test for Juice. From what everyone says on here no one ever haves any problems with it. Just where bulky clothes when you go to visit him that way weight gain isnt as noticable.

  5. #5
    guns626 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!
    Hey guys, I appreciate the serious responses. I have never heard of anyone getting in trouble for this either but I just wanted if you all had been through of heard of anything contrary to this. Thanks again. Peace

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