anybody have experiences with meth test? anybody try this before?? and if you did how was it??
anybody have experiences with meth test? anybody try this before?? and if you did how was it??
I have to admit that I'm in a lazy mood tonight, no I'll just do a cut-and-paste on what I wrote in another thread . . .
Methyltest has minimal weightlifting/bodybuilding/cycle value. Its normal therapeutic dose is 10-50 mg. per day, and most physicians will not prescribe it at all because it has a much higher liver toxicity factor than injectable test. (And, for those reasons, most people who are into AS won't bother with oral test.)
very toxic...doesn't sound too good. i heard meth test works really great alone! im no pro at this and i know im posting up some stupid questions nobody cares about, but i couldn't find too much information on meth test.
it was around in the early 1990s quite a bit. i knew some people who took it and only gained a few lbs off of it i was not impressed
Seriously, eradikate, I don't want to bust your balls, but you heard that from whom?
I wish I could get you the specific site info, but Star Pharmaceuticals' web site is down tonight. Star markets one of the few U.S. brands of oral methyltest, which is called Virilon. Theri main web site is here, but it's down as I write this. You may want to try it tomorrow - just surf in the "Products" section to the listing on Virilon (not Virilon IM, which is injectable cyp and is no longer sold by Star). There you can read the official prescribing information that lists the usual adverse effects, precautions, etc.
In the meantime, I can tell you that as a general rule, endocrinologists and other physicians in both the U.S. and Canada do not like to prescribe methyltestosterone at all because of its hepatic impact. And that's based on therapeutic dosing levels. Keep in mind that the levels used in an AS cycle are generally much higher than the therapeutic recommendations.
Not to mention that you will find an extensive profile of Methyltestosterone in the drug profile section here on Anabolic Review - you can get there fast by clicking here and looking it up under the "M's." there, you will find a clear statement about its liver toxicity.
thank you so much TNT, this is my friends source telling him. my freind was asking for deca and sust but deca and sust seemed a bit expensive so he couldn't afford it. so he decided to get some anadrol, methyltest, and clomid and some nolvadex. he was told that he would gain 25 lbs of solid muscle in 8 weeksand should be able to keep 20lbs. well the source is a gear head and he's huge. the source said that he loved meth test because he saw good gains and had good experiences with it. But i was very suspicious when i heard this. My friend is over excited because of this and i think he's going to be disappointed with his results...hey but what can i do?
you should talk to dr evil .if i am not mistaken he has commented on it before,and seems to know alot about it.
dr evil seems like methyltest is better then dbol....when you buy cheap dbol most of the time it is just methyltest....
I heard meth test is a little bit dangerous...but i see alotta teenagers taking it for some reason..maybe it's the price, because it's cheap??
i compared methyl test and methyl dht to winny and i preferred both over winny because they did not hurt my joints like winny did.
Dr E, doesn't methyltest highly aromatize? Thats what i read.
i have no idea, but it's very possible. i run any oral with test, so estrogen is to be expected. always have an anti-e ready.Originally posted by hockeyman20
Dr E, doesn't methyltest highly aromatize? Thats what i read.
methyl dht does not aromatize though.
alreet, i used to take Methyltestosterone by itself, and i took it for 6 weeks, and i did see gains of just under a stone of which i kept half of it, i took this steroid as it was readilly available to me and cheap. now the option of deca durabolin has came to me and iv heard of all sorts of stacks i can do with deca including; test and dianabol. but these two options arnt available, how ever the meth and the deca are, can i stack these two together? according to the bodybuilding website i can stack meth with basically anything including deca, but to what results? i could also just take deca by itslef but it seams depending on the user,depends on what he has to say about deca alone,some say it is fine where as others say it should be taken all of the time with test. i have 3 options; dont take anything(last resort), take deca by itself and finnally take deca with meth. i know the side effects of meth and how serious it can be on the liver but i am only going to be taking it for a maximum of 6 weeks to start my cycle off. i also know the side effects of deca which can result in a low libedo and possibly deca dick but i am only going to be taking it for 9 weeks inconjuntion with the meth for the first 6. i am going to take only a low dosage of deca at 200mg a week and take 6 tablets of meth(25mg each) splitting them up to 2 every 6 hours (6 aday). when i only took meth by itself i took 125 mg total per day but it did mess up my skin,would this be too high of a dosage to use in conjunction with deca?
if i were to take this stack what results would i see,both in appreance and preformance?
would taking meth increase the effect of just taking deca by itself, as if it dosnt it is a un-neccessary risk?
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