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  1. #1
    Shrad6 is offline Junior Member
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    What would be better to use Deca or Eq with Sust?

    Ok im currently on week 4 of 500mg of sustanon as of week 5 i plan on stacking it with either deca or eq. Which one would be better to run? What are the Pos's and Neg's to each? I want mass and strength for right now and if possible some hardness. Don't want to be some big flab ass. Also is it worth doing one of these so late into the cycle? Thanks

  2. #2
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Although I've never done steroids before, I would think that adding it in week 5 is kinda pointless. Especially since it takes around 3-4 weeks for it to really kick in.

    If I were you, I would just finish off the cycle with 500mg of the sus for the next 5 weeks, you'll get very good results from just that. Eat a lot, and train hard.

    You should have thought about this sooner and asked about it 4 weeks ago, and then people would have said take the Deca with the Sus at around 400mg a week.

    You can do whatever you want though bro, and others might say different things. That's just my opinion.

    Also, if your trying to get some hardness, then I would suggest you take Winny at end of cycle. How long are you running hte sus? If it's for 10 weeks, then start the Winny around week 8-12 at 50mg a day. If it's for 8 weeks, then start the Winny around week 6-10 same dose.

    JMO guy, hope it all goes well.

  3. #3
    Shrad6 is offline Junior Member
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    how long is the sust cycle

    Im gonna be running it for about 11 weeks, so i shouldn't even bother gettin the deca ? When you say eat a lot, does that mean ANYTHING i heard you can eat buger king and crap like cause the juice will use it up? Thanks

  4. #4
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Okay, cut down the cycle to 10 weeks, if you can, unless you have alot of Sus, then just go to 11 weeks. I'm not all that sure, but like I said, I think the Deca would be a waste, cause it takes like 4 weeks for it to kick in, so you'd end up taking it at week 5, kicks in around week 8-9 and you would have to run that till about week 13-14 which is just too long

    stick with sus for 11 weeks, you'll get mad results

    and NO don't eat anything! your diet has to be in check, very much in check! try your best not to eat fast food, burger king, only if you really have to, but make sure you dont' have ANY sauce, etc.. shit on it, just plain burger with ketchup or something

    try your best to eat about 6 meals a day, lots of protein, and try your best to get all this from natural food, not just protein shakes, lots of eggs, tuna, fish, chicken, chicken and more chicken!!!

  5. #5
    Whiteyebrowe's Avatar
    Whiteyebrowe is offline Associate Member
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    listen to terinox

  6. #6
    lil jay is offline Junior Member
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    you should havestarted both at the same time. from what you described the answer is deca .sus,and deca is a great mass and strength them both for 10weeks , and split the sus into two diffrent days .

  7. #7
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    Hey bro,
    I'm running my first cycle (stuck it in tonight...).
    1-10 sust 250 mg per week
    1-10 eq 100mg ( twice a week)
    13-15 clomid
    1-15 liquidex 1mg EOD

    Flame me if ya want about the low doses, but I want to see how my body will react to AS in general. I will let everyone know the outcome.

    Last edited by Big Rush; 03-19-2002 at 01:38 AM.

  8. #8
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    i only did sust250/deca decent gains in strength and size.clomid starts next week...results are posted in the results not dissapointed at all.....good luck with your cycle..

  9. #9
    bex's Avatar
    bex is offline Banned
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    SUS 500mg and decca 400mg run it for 10 weeks That will kick ass.

  10. #10
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Re: how long is the sust cycle

    Originally posted by Shrad6
    Im gonna be running it for about 11 weeks, so i shouldn't even bother gettin the deca? When you say eat a lot, does that mean ANYTHING i heard you can eat buger king and crap like cause the juice will use it up? Thanks should have done WAAAYYYYY more research before you even stuck a needle in your ass!! There are WAY too many guys out there like you who are doing things because "they heard" it would work. You need to stick around and ask lots of questions. Hopefully your next cycle will be well planned and logical. you have an anti-estrogen on hand or are you running one in conjunction with your sust? Do you have clomid for post cycle or are you willing to watch a decent portion of your gains disappear because it will take some time for your bodys natural production of test to kick in?

  11. #11
    Shrad6 is offline Junior Member
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    No i don't have the clomids yet but i will be gettin them, cause i def don't want to lose any of what i will gain. Even tho i know i will lose some. Yeah i know i should have done more research and people did say stack it but since it was my first i was nervous and didn't want to do much, but now that i have done it, i want more. I didn't think that you were allowed to eat all that stuff but a couple of people have been telling me eat as much as you can whatever it is even bk, your body will use it up cause of the juice. Thank you for gettin back to me with this info, cause i started following there direction and in the last 12 hours i been to bk 3 times and had 10 cheeseburgers and small fries. I use to have a problem being a bk addict. How long before i can start my next cycle, i hear its 2 months?

  12. #12
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Shit man, that's alot of Burger King food!!! Like I said, try and stay away from it!!! Yes, you should eat a lot, but a lot of natural food! Always keep tuna close by, and try to eat at least 2 cans of tuna a day. That's 50grams protein right there! Also, things like cottage cheese, it has about 15grams protein per 125mg serving. I usually try and eat about 250-375g of cottage cheese. Gets you like 30-45 grams of protein. Protein shakes, take about one or two a day. The less the better. Try to get your protein from food, chicken, fish, etc...

    In terms of doing your next cycle, finish the one your doing now, and usually people say that AMOUNT OF TIME ON CYCLE = AMOUNT OF TIME OFF CYCLE

    So, if your cycle is 11weeks, then you should go CLEAN for 11 weeks before your next cycle. However, the longer you wait, the more "clean" your body will be, and the better the juice should work! The good thing that I've read about Sustanon250, is that usually, even if you do more and more cycles with it, your body will still react very well to it, and you can see similar gains to as you did when you first took it. And you don't really have to raise the dosages higher.

    Clomid, yes, that's a must, try and get it as soon as possible. You start taking it about 3 weeks after your last Sus250 injections. And I'm guessing you know how to take it?

  13. #13
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Like Terinox said, the general rule is time off = time on. There are exceptions to every rule but this a good gudeline.

    "T" is also correct with his assesment of your diet. Your priority should be to get tha majority of your fuel from clean whole food sources including your protein. Shakes (whey protein shakes....not BK shakes ) can be a helpful tool as well when trying to boost your protein consumption. If you're bulking, not cutting, don't be afraid of the odd Whopper, Big Mac or Big Bacon Classic. Just remember, moderation is the key...try not to make it a habit.

    One last piece of advice bro, a very good rule of thumb is "Don't start your next cycle until you have ALL of your gear". That includes clomid and your anti-e (nolvadex or arimidex ). Good luck man.

  14. #14
    Shrad6 is offline Junior Member
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    New Gear

    Well its not definate, but its a thought. T400,Eq,Whiny. Im thinking of starting it in maybe mid july. How does that sound, i know i will want more size when im done with this first one. Does it sound good? My friends done the t400 and he got crazy results.

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