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Thread: winstrol inject question

  1. #1

    winstrol inject question

    im starting a winstrol cycle. my first injection was yesterday (in left delt). today it is kinda sore and the area is warm and red. is this just a bruise? or should i worry about infection? i know how to inject safely, and have done it before with deca.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by mjk023
    im starting a winstrol cycle. my first injection was yesterday (in left delt). today it is kinda sore and the area is warm and red. is this just a bruise? or should i worry about infection? i know how to inject safely, and have done it before with deca.
    drink it. dont believe me do a search on it.. is this winny only cycle? if it is stop and do some **** research

  3. #3
    its a winny only cycle. i have low bodyfat so im just using it to harden up. i just wanted to know if anyone else has injected winny and had this happen to them. and if i should worry about infection if my delt is warm and red.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hung-solo
    drink it. dont believe me do a search on it.. is this winny only cycle? if it is stop and do some **** research

    Get him HUNG.... Can I do a dbol only cycle???LOL

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by getinbig
    Get him HUNG.... Can I do a dbol only cycle???LOL
    yes you can my man! by all means go for it! the keepable gains are unlimited with a dbol only cycle! you think i am kdding do a search hahahahaha.. i love it when i gain 25 lbs off dbol and lose it when i stop. its da shiznit!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by mjk023
    its a winny only cycle. i have low bodyfat so im just using it to harden up. i just wanted to know if anyone else has injected winny and had this happen to them. and if i should worry about infection if my delt is warm and red.
    yes it is common while injecting winny to have post shot soreness. but you can drink the winny i promise. i am really being serious here. save the soreness for some real shots and drink the shiit!

  7. #7
    how long does it take for redness/swelling to go down?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by mjk023
    how long does it take for redness/swelling to go down?
    a few days. you should be ok... if it did it soonafter injection then it is just the winny irritating your muscles. no worries.. monitor your temp. if you run a fever then go to the doc. drink the **** winny next time.. just measure out the dose and put it in a shot glass or mix it with a protien shake or something. lata

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    My tip of the day on this cycle. add some prop and pct. hell, you can even mix the winny and prop in the same syringe too. just add a test. trust me.

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