say i cant afford that many arimidex pills can i use proviron?
.25mg arimidex EOD
50mg Proviron EOD
.25mg arimidex EOD
50mg Proviron ED
is proviron effective ? since im goin to run 400mg test 1st cycle,
say i cant afford that many arimidex pills can i use proviron?
.25mg arimidex EOD
50mg Proviron EOD
.25mg arimidex EOD
50mg Proviron ED
is proviron effective ? since im goin to run 400mg test 1st cycle,
proviron will be effective.
should i do it ED or EOD ? and 50mg?
see that's the thing.....therotically proviron is a way way better blocks the conversion from test to estrogen and takes the estro also restores sexual function alot....however it has no effect on lh or fsh like clomid does...the reason this isn't highly used and arimidex is so popular is cause of need to use like 125-150 mgs for it to be as effective as 1 mg of arimidex....which could be costly...
yah but how about just 25mg EOD or ED just as a ANTI E?
i guess you could do that......why not just use 10 mg's of nolvadex eod or clomid at 50 mg's will all do pretty much the same shit....maybe search for a cheaper arimidex supplier....your too young to be using this shit anyhow...
yah arimdex from ** is cheap but i dont wanna take that risk, liquidex is suppose to be good and cheap
how does this look
.25mg arimidex EOD
20mg novadex EOOD ,meaning Monday than again Thursday
25mg provirion EOD
doofy you have a PM
whats your take on Cytraden besides cortisol blocker,effective aromatise inhibtor?
very very very rough on joints.....fuck that cycle drug....will never use it during a cycle again....
oh,if i get proviron does it matter when i trow in the cycle? say i am doing fine with arimidex but i am towards the end of my cycle leading to clomid ,and my cycle is 10weeks should i trow proviron like in the 8th week?
doofy, you don't need to take anti-e's unless u feel gyno coming on!
okay how about for water retention than? novadex EOD?
people often like the water retention because it gives you more strength.
water retention is easy.....go to the story and buy those water shed pills that chicks use on the rag....those work better then alot of diuretics....well not better...but for what your looking for they work safer...
whoa u mean those stuff that make u crap all day? how about coffee![]()
no....i didn't say a fucking constipation pills....i said water shed pill....just look for or go to a vitamin store and tell them your g/f needs water shed pills cause she is bloated...
hehe thx![]()
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