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Thread: Quick Prop/Fina Question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The big Addison, TX!!!!!

    Quick Prop/Fina Question.

    I heard that when you run it that the Prop should be more than the Treen, but everywhere I find is 100mg Prop/100mgTren. Would it be ok to run like that, or does it absolutely need to be more Prop than Tren? Also, this will be my first time with Tren, although I have 2 cycles under my belt, I figured it would be best to start off at 50 or 75 mg Tren and see how my body reacts? Anyway, what do you think about the 100mg Tren ? Thansk fellas!!


  2. #2
    Are you buying the combo ProFina ???

    If you make your own fina then you are able to control the concentration (strength) of it.

    Buy your prop (usually 100 mg / mL), and make your own fina.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    [email protected]
    100mg of tren might be a bit much for first timer. i'd drop it down to 75mg to start and work your way up.

    i usually run tren and prop at the same dose, 50-100mg each ED

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The big Addison, TX!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    Are you buying the combo ProFina ???

    If you make your own fina then you are able to control the concentration (strength) of it.

    Buy your prop (usually 100 mg / mL), and make your own fina.

    Yeah its Profina.......and I'm not in a position to make my own Fina, thats why I was asking about the same dosage as Prop.......and worried about running 100mg of Fina my first time.

    Also, what is a decung UG Price for Profina 10 ml botttle? Thanks guys!
    Last edited by sooner45; 12-19-2004 at 11:02 AM.

  5. #5
    It is OK to run prop and tren at the same dosage. You just want any kind of test in your cycle when you run tren because it will shut you down. As for the 100mg/day of each combo.... maybe since it is you 1st time w/ tren run it at 1/2cc/day or 2/10th under the 1cc line. That might help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The big Addison, TX!!!!!
    Can anyone give me an idea on price? I'm being quoted on $100 for a 10ml bottle of 100mg Prop/100mg Tren. Reasonable or am I gettin jacked?? And this is a UG Lab Quote.

    Last edited by sooner45; 12-19-2004 at 06:12 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    New York
    I'm not too experienced with prop fina, im actually doing this cycle starting january 2nd.. but if u do get the 100/100 y not just take half the dosage or 3/4 the dosage to start.. say 50/50 or 75/75 ... make sure your body reacts well to it all.. I've read fina can be pretty hard on ya body.. make sure you have your normal l-dex, nolva or whateva else you may wanna run..


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    New York
    I'm not too experienced with prop fina, im actually doing this cycle starting january 2nd.. but if u do get the 100/100 y not just take half the dosage or 3/4 the dosage to start.. say 50/50 or 75/75 ... make sure your body reacts well to it all.. I've read fina can be pretty hard on ya body.. make sure you have your normal l-dex, nolva or whateva else you may wanna run..


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by sooner45
    Can anyone give me an idea on price? I'm being quoted on $100 for a 10ml bottle of 100mg Prop/100mg Tren. Reasonable or am I gettin jacked?? And this is a UG Lab Quote.

    dont forget b6 also for prolactin issues..

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