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Thread: is this 2 much gear?

  1. #1

    is this 2 much gear?

    ok my past cyc have been denkall t-400 @ 400mg ew for 10w, then i did a short 30 day m1t cyc @ 20mg ed. i am 180 solid / 5'8, my next cycle im thinkin 600mg test-e ew for 12 w, and 500mg deca ew for 11 weeks, i have done all my research and feel this will be a great bulker, but my q is, is this 2 much gear for me? i know the excess gear will just xfer into estrogen, so should i drop the mg by 100 each, or will this be ok? i ask this q because i want to get the most out of my purchase, there will be less waste from my 5 bottles of gear if i run higher dosages, and if im going to be doing this for about 4 1/2 months, i want to do it perfectly, let me know what u think, thx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The DOJO
    DUDE you are going to piss people off by posting the same question over and over!

    plus it makes you look stupid.
    and no one will answer your posts.

    You better do some research cuz you dont sound like you know to much and I dont think anyone will try to help you after whatyou did!

  3. #3
    This guy is 17. That's why. Not only did he post this post a couple of times, but once he found out that he will get booted off for his age he created a new account w/ a new age that said he was 24. You know what gave him away??? All he did was cut-and-paste this thread to the new thread. Pretty stupid.
    Last edited by bmwrob; 12-20-2004 at 01:08 PM.

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