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Thread: BUSTED! in SC

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair

    BUSTED! in SC

    From a local SC newspaper:

    Copyright 2002 The State
    All Rights Reserved

    The State (Columbia, SC)
    March 16, 2002 Saturday FINAL EDITION


    LENGTH: 377 words



    A local fill-in news anchor and her husband, an award-winning, competitive bodybuilder, have been charged in what police describe as one of the state's largest illicit steroid busts in recent years.
    Shanai Benton, who started last week at WOLO-TV, and her husband, Marion Benton, 30, of 68 Loggerhead Drive, were arrested after Richland County sheriff's deputies seized more than 600 doses of steroids from the couple's home and at Marion Benton's business, Bodies by Marion, at 1722 Broad River Road, deputies said Friday.
    Shanai Benton's lawyer, Jack Swerling, said Friday his client is "really going to fight this." "It's nonsense," Swerling said. "He (Marion Benton) says she had no knowledge of it, yet she is charged with possession. She has no knowledge of it and is extremely upset about the charge."
    Chris Bailey, WOLO-TV general manager, said Shanai Benton recently started helping out at the station. She was not an employee, he said.
    "We are going to suspend our relationship pending the outcome of the investigation," Bailey said.
    Marion Benton's lawyer could not be reached Friday for comment.
    Investigators believe Marion Benton was selling the steroids, though no other arrests have been made, Sheriff Leon Lott said. Deputies seized eight types of steroids, both injectable and oral, that came from 13 countries.
    "I think it's more widespread than people think," Lott said. "What disturbs us is that it influences high school athletes. It's that get-big-fast mentality."
    Although steroids can build muscle mass or increase endurance, their use has been linked to cancer, diabetes and other medical problems, Lott said, adding, "It is a very, very dangerous drug."
    In South Carolina, steroids are illegal without a prescription, Lott said.
    Marion Benton is charged with two counts of possession of an unlawful prescription over 100 doses, while his wife faces one count of that charge, Lott said, adding their arrests "put a big dent" in the local steroid trade.
    "He (Marion Benton) was distributing a lot of steroids to a lot of people," Lott said.
    Marion Benton also is charged with trafficking cocaine, Lott said. He was arrested Feb. 19 and is free on bail.
    Staff Writer Lora Hines contributed to this article.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In a cage near you...
    I'd like to know how much "600 doses" is...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair
    Originally posted by ironfist
    I'd like to know how much "600 doses" is...
    1 dose is equivalent to 1 10ml bottle or 100 tabs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    yeh really and 13 countries -damn

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    the vast wasteland
    wonder if the steroids or the coke tipped em off? maybe they were after him for the coke, and found the juice too.........

    peace bb79

  6. #6
    Join Date
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  7. #7
    well it looks like a need to find another sorce!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by Dr.Evil

    1 dose is equivalent to 1 10ml bottle or 100 tabs.
    Are you certain? If so it looks like someone just lost a source....

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Man four plates we posted at the same time

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by Juice Junkie

    I dont see how they can figure that... 100 tabs of anadrol is way beyond 1 dose as is 10ml of test for that matter.
    this is determined by the federal sentencing guidelines. i don't know if this case is fed or state, but the guidelines are just there to assess a consistent sentencing for a crime. it actually should read 600 units of steroids and not 600 doses, but the newspaper doesn't know any better. anything up to 500 units (500 bottles!)carries a maximum sentence for a first time offender of 6 months in prison for each count. unlike some other crimes, these counts can run consecutive sentencing, which means if you're convicted of 10 counts then the max sentence would be 6 months * 10, or 60 months. the judge will rarely give anyone the max though unless a death was involved somehow.

    i believe 500-999 units is 12 months maximum, which marion would qualify for. another thing is that marion falls in the category of a level 8-10 offense level with this amount without any other aggrevating factors. this means he's not eligible for probation if convicted whereas if he had less than 500 units he would be.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by DrEvil
    this is determined by the federal sentencing guidelines. i don't know if this case is fed or state, but the guidelines are just there to assess a consistent sentencing for a crime. it actually should read 600 units of steroids and not 600 doses, but the newspaper doesn't know any better. anything up to 500 units (500 bottles!)carries a maximum sentence for a first time offender of 6 months in prison for each count. unlike some other crimes, these counts can run consecutive sentencing, which means if you're convicted of 10 counts then the max sentence would be 6 months * 10, or 60 months. the judge will rarely give anyone the max though unless a death was involved somehow.
    I can't beleive the punishment for STERIODS is so harsh.

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by Dizzy

    I can't beleive the punishment for STERIODS is so harsh.
    actually the punishment for having 499 bottles of a controlled substance for sale is 0-6 months. not that bad if you ask me, especially when most judges will give this time as probation.

  13. #13
    Originally posted by DrEvil
    actually the punishment for having 499 bottles of a controlled substance for sale is 0-6 months. not that bad if you ask me, especially when most judges will give this time as probation.
    You ever spent months in jail? Feels like years. And 6 months probation doesn't mean your free. My point is steriods should not be illegal. I'm sure you could agree to that.

  14. #14
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    i feel steroids should not be controlled the way they are. children and teens should not have free access to it.

    yes i have spent time in prison and jail. i have also been on supervised probation. the worst part about prison and jail for me is that you get separated from your family and loved ones. probation didn't change my lifestyle one bit. i could be on it right now and not even know it lol.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by DrEvil
    probation didn't change my lifestyle one bit. i could be on it right now and not even know it lol.[QUOTE/]

    Even if it was steriods you were busted for? I guess it depends on the lifestyle your talking about. I know that they don't test for steriods on a drug test. Is that even if you are convicted of a "steriod crime"?
    Last edited by Dizzy; 03-19-2002 at 03:47 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    What if he had been caught with little bit of roids? Say just enough for one or two cycles for him alone? How severe would the penalty be then?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Dirty South
    thx Dr.Evil ,i enjoyed reading that and all the post especially i think it was you that posted the one about the DEALER and the young kid?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You know, I did an internship with the police of a class 3 city. I talked to the drug task force guys on occasion. A friend of mine was even an intern with the drug task force and I NEVER heard of a steroid bust. I never heard about the task force setting up stings or buys. I bet it was the coke the cops were looking for and they stumbled upon the steroids.

  19. #19
    DAMN, another homey got smoked

  20. #20
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    Cool It's All in the Spin . . .

    Originally posted by VEGETA990
    . . . I NEVER heard of a steroid bust. I never heard about the task force setting up stings or buys. I bet it was the coke the cops were looking for and they stumbled upon the steroids.
    Not necessarily. Remember that there are a few peripheral factors working here. For example:

    1. Think Law & Order (yes, the TV show). The cops investigate, the District Attorney's office decides whether to prosecute. Any of these levels can be personality driven, so the story ends up being blown out of proportion by some party along the way. It makes great press.

    2. This particular story involves a local TV personality and her studmuffin husband - a true scandal in the making. It was bound to be news, especially when competing media was involved.

    3. Of course steroids are not as bad as coke. But given a creative politician who can put a spin on words, a steroid bust can prevent our children from sinking into the depths of degradation. Yaaaaaaas, you got truble in River City, my friend.

    (For those who don't know the reference, get thy buns to a local video store and rent The Music Man. Robert Preston's performance as a con man who blows things out of proportion by turning a local pool table into the source of Satan is pure brilliance. And the illustrayion fits: all it takes is a creative twist to turn a minor steroid bust into the salvation of our kiddies.)

    4. Y'all are in the Bible belt, son. Columbia, South Carolina, is the home of Columbia Bible College & Seminary. It's just a ways down the road (well, about 100 miles down the road) from Greenille, the home of Bob Jones University (where it's spiritually illegal to make a sandwich on anything other than WHITE bread). We're talkin family values, my children - and a good sense of drama can convince any parent that there's evil in our schools in the form of those mean nasty roids.

    5. Notwithstanding the conservative values of #4, and at the risk of sounding like I'm stereotying, I get the impression from their names that Marion and Shanai Benton may be African American. That is merely a speculation. But if true, once again, we're talkin' the deep south here.

    6. If Benton's cocaine bust had taken place previously, the D.A. may be looking for some oil to throw on top of the fire. (Bible belt version: When God closes a door, He opens a window. If the D.A. can't crack Benton on the coke bust, there's now new ammunition - the steroid bust.)

    I don't think that this is a TV Movie of the Week, but like I said, in the right hands . . .

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    that is crazy i didnt realize the penalties were that bad guess i better keep it under 500 units then

    as if i had that much i dont think i could afford that much anyway i would have to quit school and sell my cars

  22. #22
    OK Fellas this is my personal thoughts and experiences on this matter. IMO the police were probably watching this guy because he is not only a local steriod source, but was probably supplying half the city with cociane. Your average city or state cop or detectives does not seek out steriods or the people who use them, as a matter of fact most wouldn't know what an amp of sustanon or a tab of d bol look like. But I have seen this all to often most steriod suppliers aren't only selling juice, they add coke, Special K, GHB, nubain, and X to thier list of goodies and thats when they find themselves getting f---cked with by the POOOOLICE..... So my bet is this guy was pushing alot more that the sauce.

  23. #23
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    Originally posted by Dr. Derek
    Your average city or state cop or detectives ...wouldn't know what an amp of sustanon or a tab of d bol look like.
    Gonna have to disagree with you there. A lot of cops are former football players (either high school and/or college) or are former military. Both groups of people are around people who have used steroids, so even if the cop himself never juiced up, I would put money down that they had a friend that did. At least the cops in my area.

  24. #24
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    Originally posted by Dr.Evil

    1 dose is equivalent to 1 10ml bottle or 100 tabs.
    I think federal guidlines are 10ml or 50 tabs - in either case, the fella had a crapload of gear!!!!!

    "very, very dangerous drugs" what an idiot

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    I don't believe this. As if the federal gov't doesn't have better things to do with its time. I think that the damn people behind the busts are just pissed that they arent huge and dont have the knowledge/Balls to try to do a cycle. I think that there are worse things going on that deserve more attention. JMO.

    and yes for the record i agree with Dr. Evil. "I feel steroids should not be controlled the way they are. children and teens should not have free access to it" (Dr. Evil, 2002).


  26. #26
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    Just freakin' unbelieveable. My take is also the cops were after the coke and found the 'roids.

    By the way, most cops DO know what 'roids look like, especially here in MIami, because I would estimate at least 50% of the area cops are on them.

    I related this in another post a while back but about a year ago I witnessed a father shooting his 16 year old son in the ass with a syringe in the locker room of my gym; the occurpation of the father? guessed it...COP and at that he was a SGT with the Miami-Dade Police !!

  27. #27
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    I related this in another post a while back but about a year ago I witnessed a father shooting his 16 year old son in the ass with a syringe in the locker room of my gym; the occurpation of the father? guessed it...COP and at that he was a SGT with the Miami-Dade Police !!

    Im sorry for my language but that is fucking insane. What are these people thinking. Dude I would have said somthing that is grounds for that guy to lose his kid. Wow now I am upset... The sad part is this is going on all across the nation

  28. #28
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    I didn't know that steroids caused diabetes either, learn something new every day..LOL.. I am sure the coke is what sunk the ship so to speak.

    I am glad I am living where personal amount of gear is legal, as long as they can't prove you bought or are selling it, strange law, but hey. I know for fact cops here really don't have time to worry about gear, if it fall on their lap and it's more than personal amount yes they have to do something about it, but usually not much.

  29. #29
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    Maybe they should auction off the evidence.

  30. #30
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    just to answer some of the questions:

    this guy was watched because of his coke habits, but they knew about the steroid dealing too during the course of their investigation.

    people do get busted for steroids alone. i've seen it happen.

    a lot of cops who do routine busts for narcotics and firearms don't know what steroids look like. trust me, i know a few who made busts that found sust redijects, 2 tt cyp bottles, and a bottle of clen in a guy's medicine cabinet and just asked him what it was. he told them the oils were for his skin and the clen was for his asthma and the feds put them back with no more questions.

    cycleon: you're right, 1 unit = 50 tabs, not 100.

    if you get caught with anything less than 500 units, even if it's just 1 or 2 units, you'll be charged the same, but the judge will most likely be a lot more lenient on you than someone who is caught with 499 units.

  31. #31
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    600 doses....

    I have a picture in my head of some redneck yahoo Barney Fife looking at a pile of 400 thai pentagons, 40 amps of deca, 40 amps of sustanon, 20 amps of winny and a few assorted leftovers form other cycles and goin' "We musta busted a steroid ring-leader Andy! There's at least 600 here!"

    I am sure the fact that the wife was a local media poersonality was an excuse for the cops to really paly the whole bust up good.

  32. #32
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  33. #33
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    Originally posted by Ajax
    600 doses....

    I have a picture in my head of some redneck yahoo Barney Fife looking at a pile of 400 thai pentagons, 40 amps of deca, 40 amps of sustanon, 20 amps of winny and a few assorted leftovers form other cycles and goin' "We musta busted a steroid ring-leader Andy! There's at least 600 here!"

    I am sure the fact that the wife was a local media poersonality was an excuse for the cops to really paly the whole bust up good.
    lol. read the explanation of what a "dose" is. you can multiply your estimate by 50.

  34. #34
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    I guess my new source is now customs.

  35. #35
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    your chances of getting busted are so much greater when your dealing more than one "thing"

  36. #36
    Dr. Evil thak you for confirming that the MAJORITY of cops do not have a clue what steriods look like, but I suppose if you ran into ronnie coleman or john knattyshack on the street you may have a problem passing off the thousand tabs of little pink pentagon looking pills with TT stamped as flintstones vitamins.

  37. #37
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    Originally posted by Dr. Derek
    Dr. Evil thak you for confirming that the MAJORITY of cops do not have a clue what steriods look like, but I suppose if you ran into ronnie coleman or john knattyshack on the street you may have a problem passing off the thousand tabs of little pink pentagon looking pills with TT stamped as flintstones vitamins.
    lol. when my friend was arrested for "other" things, there should have been no doubt that he was juicing. a lot of feds aren't very smart. but a lot are... he just got lucky.

  38. #38
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    I think the point here is keep a low profile, and don't do stupid chit.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    It amazes me the mis conception people have of roids. The media paints up steroids as something horrible.

    Has anyone here had the chance to read the latest edition of Muscle developement mag? It has some very good articles on steroid use. The one that will get your attention is when the post the fact that more people die in one year of smoking cigs that in all 50 years of un supervised steroid use. Go figure!!!!!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Oh your kidding AS can cause cancer?!?! wtf doesn't?

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