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Thread: Advice...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    Okay, here's my predicament. I'm middle of week 4 with my sust (chinaman), and started fina 4 days ago. Noticed about 10 lbs. off the bat but then no more weight gains. I'm using 600mg sust and 75mg fina. That's more test then I've used and I did use 75mg fina ED last cycle. Oh, and I was on winny alone for 3 weeks before and only came off for 4 weeks from last fina/winny cycle - which could be important. Strength was going up slowly but has stopped in most areas. I am curious as to the following to get me growing again:
    1. Should I eat more and give it more time (I'm pretty sure more food is necessary)?
    2. Should I up my doses and run through the cycle a bit quicker than previously planned (had 50ml of 75mg/ml fina and another vial of test)? - and eat more
    3. Take a week off but continue cycle - I recently took some time off - 3 days but it seemed to be all that was necessary as my drive is back and I no longer seem to be experiencing injuries?
    4. End the cycle now and hop back on after a good 8-10 weeks?
    5. Switch up the routine.
    6. A combination of the above.

    WEll, thanks and sorry for the long-ass post. Oh, and if you think I can grow without coming off for a few more weeks that is preferable obviously. Also, just went to doc and health is fine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    1. Muscle is made from the food you consume. Lack of necessary resoources means no anabolism. Yes, you have to eat more if your weight is stagnant.

    2. And eat more?...Again, an emphatic YES. As for upping the doses. Who knows how much you're actulally taking of what drug being that it's chinese takeout.

    3. Don't take a week off, but perhaps do a 3 way split for one week to get four full days of rest in while still stimulating the muscles.

    4. No. It's only been four weeks. Mountains don't appear overnight.

    5. You should be switching up your training every week. Not necessarily your split, but exercises, intensity extenders, order of exercises, reps...ect..ect.

    6. Well that about sums it up doesn't it. All of the above seems logical figuring you're not progressing as you had hoped. The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing repeatedly and yet expecting a different outcome!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Okay thanks. That was my concern with the test but I made the fina myself. I am leaning towards upping the fina but I will wait to see what I get from a routine change and increased calories. Thanks. More?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    i agree 100% with the above post, hes right on in answering all the questions imho.
    some of the problem could be due to running the winny alone when you were supposed to be "on a break". receptors may not have fully cleared, and the cycle stunted. if you up your caloric intake and still dont see the results you are expecting then i would venture to say its time for an extended break, not an upping of the doses.

    peace bb79

  6. #6
    i agree with both bb79 and the man
    but i think i would up the tren x2 and hit it eod,and see if that changes anything.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    just curious bro, why do you think that going eod would make a difference? no flame bro, like i said , just curious as to the reasoning on this..........

    peace bb79

  8. #8
    what i meant by it was that if hes hit a plateu and looking for an additional push and the gear he has to last the duration of his cycle then maybe 150 mg will give him the extra boost of energy to get past the speed bump.he will use the same amount of gear over the same amount of time but maybe the xtea pump will see a diffrence.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    i understand brother.............thanks

    peace bb79

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    yes yes yes, totally agree here. I think your dosage is fine Nate, hell 600mg of sus, that is alot. Eat eat eat.... eat alot of protein and carbs bro. How much are you eating now?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I am eating about 4300-4500kcal now, which isn't enough probably. I was only eating about 4000kcal. I'm a pretty lean 205lbs. momentarily. The thing is though that in the past fina allowed me to gain muscle in a caloric deficit. That's why I was confused. I think it might have something to do with changing training though. I've noticed that my strength has been moving up in exercises that are still relatively fresh to me. Anyway, I'm going to try it this way for another week or two and if nothing than off I go and save my gear till next cycle. Thanks guys. I don't suppose anyone else has had this particular problem or a similar one but busted through it?

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