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Thread: F***ing Acne Won't Quit!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    F***ing Acne Won't Quit!!

    Last cycle was 500mg test e for 10 weeks. Also took 0.25mg ldex and 5mg finasteride daily. The cycle has been over for 5 weeks. I started clomid and clen 2 weeks after last shot. Took the clen for only 2 weeks. Stopped clomid yesterday. I experienced mild acne while on cycle. The acne increased after the cycle. Now I have some sort of lessions on my face. They are red bumps the size of nickels with no head. They are completely beneath the skin. I have 5 and a sixth one is starting. I have acne all over my back, but the lession things are only on my face. I know, it sucks to be me, but have any of you guys experienced anything like what I'm describing? I wish I had a digital camera to post some pics. Either way, I have an appointment with my dermatologist next Monday for some moles. I'll be very interested to see what she says after I take off my shirt to view the moles and she sees my relatively large muscles covered in acne. I'm wondering if she'll accuse me being on roids. I'll just tell her I'm taking andro.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by JdJuicer
    Last cycle was 500mg test e for 10 weeks. Also took 0.25mg ldex and 5mg finasteride daily. The cycle has been over for 5 weeks. I started clomid and clen 2 weeks after last shot. Took the clen for only 2 weeks. Stopped clomid yesterday. I experienced mild acne while on cycle. The acne increased after the cycle. Now I have some sort of lessions on my face. They are red bumps the size of nickels with no head. They are completely beneath the skin. I have 5 and a sixth one is starting. I have acne all over my back, but the lession things are only on my face. I know, it sucks to be me, but have any of you guys experienced anything like what I'm describing? I wish I had a digital camera to post some pics. Either way, I have an appointment with my dermatologist next Monday for some moles. I'll be very interested to see what she says after I take off my shirt to view the moles and she sees my relatively large muscles covered in acne. I'm wondering if she'll accuse me being on roids. I'll just tell her I'm taking andro.
    Start bathing with dawn dishwashing liquid. Use it instead of bar soap and shampoo. Dont laugh, it cleans the pores way better then bar soap, you'll notice a huge difference in the amount of oilyness in your skin and on the sheets where you sleep at night. WHen I use dawn, almost immediately all new pimples stop coming, and old ones start healing. Use a wash cloth and lather it up good. Dawn works better then other dishwashing liquids because it breaks down the oil that is causing all your acne problems and may heal up and improve the other lessions and issues you have. I found it works so well almost 100% elliminating acne from both during cycle and PCT that you might find you dont need to see the dermatologist after all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    i used to get like that after a cycle, never during a cycle! for me i think it's my natural test that causes acne for me but it's very mild in PCT! that might be the reason but i dunno!~

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Start bathing with dawn dishwashing liquid. Use it instead of bar soap and shampoo. Dont laugh, it cleans the pores way better then bar soap, you'll notice a huge difference in the amount of oilyness in your skin and on the sheets where you sleep at night. WHen I use dawn, almost immediately all new pimples stop coming, and old ones start healing. Use a wash cloth and lather it up good. Dawn works better then other dishwashing liquids because it breaks down the oil that is causing all your acne problems and may heal up and improve the other lessions and issues you have. I found it works so well almost 100% elliminating acne from both during cycle and PCT that you might find you dont need to see the dermatologist after all.
    The dermatologist appt is for some moles I need checked. Its just coincidence I'm having acne problems. I am oily, but I have been washing my face 3 times a day. Dawn huh? I guess anything is worth a shot.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Start bathing with dawn dishwashing liquid. Use it instead of bar soap and shampoo. Dont laugh, it cleans the pores way better then bar soap, you'll notice a huge difference in the amount of oilyness in your skin and on the sheets where you sleep at night. WHen I use dawn, almost immediately all new pimples stop coming, and old ones start healing. Use a wash cloth and lather it up good. Dawn works better then other dishwashing liquids because it breaks down the oil that is causing all your acne problems and may heal up and improve the other lessions and issues you have. I found it works so well almost 100% elliminating acne from both during cycle and PCT that you might find you dont need to see the dermatologist after all.
    my dermatologist said that dry skin also causes acne so be careful with that! if you do this then use a non-oil based moisturizer after washing yourself!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by crosby7117
    my dermatologist said that dry skin also causes acne so be careful with that!
    Yeah? I never heard that one. I've actually been letting my face dry out so the acne will flake away. Maybe that wasn't a good move.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Vancouver, Canada
    Try B5 Pantothenic Acid at 10g/day
    Do some minor tanning
    Shower with dawn often

    Good luck

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by crosby7117
    my dermatologist said that dry skin also causes acne so be careful with that! if you do this then use a non-oil based moisturizer after washing yourself!
    Let me say, I get NO acne on the face during cycle or in PCT, but my back, shoulders and arms get peppered with acne. This is also a very oily area on me and where the dawn does its magic best. I have not had other issues although I have heard pimples left too long sometimes can turn into systs that need to be surgically removed.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by JdJuicer
    Yeah? I never heard that one. I've actually been letting my face dry out so the acne will flake away. Maybe that wasn't a good move.
    yup thats what he said! can't remember y because it was like 4 years ago but i remember him clearly saying that dry skin can cause acne too!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    I get them also but not on my face. I believe they are a reaction to the clomid. Clomid side effects are acne reactions. You could try accutane which can be bought over the net on some chemical research sites and I would lower or cease clomid treatment teporarily. What dosages are you running now?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i got the same sort of thing after pct last time bro and i usully always break out during cycle as well. this cycle i have nothing.
    im taking b5, and get some benzol peroxide 5-10% and use that on the areas, also try some tee tree oil. its working well for me. also i've heard that dishwasher soap works well too.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    oh ya and tanning will also help, not excesively but 1-3x a week.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    So. Cal
    try a bit of salycitic acid on the acne. You can buy it in any grocery store/drug store...Neutrogena makes a good one. It has helped me tremendously. Also, make sure you use a very good lotion on your face that is non-comonogenic nivea and netrogena have both worked well -- use it liberally every day...Don't let the skin get dried out too much that makes the acne worse....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Actually, post cycle is when most of us break out. It is the point where our testosterone is lowest and estrogen is highest. Usually I only broke out on my back as well, but this last cycle left zits on my face for 2 months after the cycle. Was getting tough to explain at 39 looking worse than I ever did as a teen. Just keep washing and realize it will get better when your body is completely back to normal.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Russian liquer plant
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Let me say, I get NO acne on the face during cycle or in PCT, but my back, shoulders and arms get peppered with acne. This is also a very oily area on me and where the dawn does its magic best. I have not had other issues although I have heard pimples left too long sometimes can turn into systs that need to be surgically removed.
    I have exactly same problem. my upper back and shoulders covered with acne. I used B5 after my last cycle it helped but didn't removed acne completly

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Goto your doc, ask for accutane, problem solved no need for a derm unless your acne is horribly disfiguring. I've done it 3 times now, asked for it, no questions asked just a script.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2004
    They are not giving out Accutane very much right now. The FDA is thinking about taking it off the market. I have used Bactrin this last time and it worked well. ANadrol left me looking sick. I will never take that sh!t again!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    They are not giving out Accutane very much right now. The FDA is thinking about taking it off the market. I have used Bactrin this last time and it worked well. ANadrol left me looking sick. I will never take that sh!t again!!
    I think thats just a rumour... I went to my doc 2 weeks ago, said my acne was bothering me again (this time caused by tren, previous 2 times cured my naturally occuring acne) and he asked what dosage I wanted this time and wrote up the script and this isn't the same doctor I was at for my last 2 treatments of it. Whats the harm in asking anyway

  20. #20
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    May 2004
    [ I have not had other issues although I have heard pimples left too long sometimes can turn into systs that need to be surgically removed.[/QUOTE]

    -Yeah I have two cysts on my neck it sucks. When I am really lean they seem to stick out. looks like a frickin' rock under my skin.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    You have the coolest doctor. Mine refuses to give it to me!!! Actually four doctors refused to give it to me.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    In my country accutane is called roaccutane. I assume it's the same stuff. It's very expensive and the doctor have to do an application before treatment, however, isn't one of the bad side effects that it can dry out the joints or something?

    Maybe I remember completly wrong... are you sure it's safe to work out while on accutane?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    I think thats just a rumour... I went to my doc 2 weeks ago, said my acne was bothering me again (this time caused by tren, previous 2 times cured my naturally occuring acne) and he asked what dosage I wanted this time and wrote up the script and this isn't the same doctor I was at for my last 2 treatments of it. Whats the harm in asking anyway
    I took accutane when I was 16. It completely dried out my joints. To this day my joints are still bothering me and will for the rest of my life. They were fine before accutane. It also causes your eyes to become more sensitive to light, and my eyes are still sensitive to even normal lighting to this day. People always comment on my constant squinting. I'm sure people have taken it and have not experienced harsh side effects, but that $hit messed me up and I would never recommend it to anyone. And I certainly would never take it again. But that's just my experience.

  24. #24
    am also having exactly same problem bro.. it ****in sucks... am lookin for alternative gear.. have seen dermo. been given roaccutane but they made a fuss about enzyme levels being high in liver.. dont say you on gear cos they'l jus say your acne is due to gear and tel you to **** off... Am nervous about takin roaccutane whilst on cycle so am gna wait till after.. any advice welcome.. like the man said.. good ****in luck...!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I use this OTC Benzoil Perozide formula 10% that does wonders for my skin, with glycolic acid with it. U should give it a try it is called clearasil ULTRA.

  26. #26
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by JdJuicer
    I took accutane when I was 16. It completely dried out my joints. To this day my joints are still bothering me and will for the rest of my life. They were fine before accutane. It also causes your eyes to become more sensitive to light, and my eyes are still sensitive to even normal lighting to this day. People always comment on my constant squinting. I'm sure people have taken it and have not experienced harsh side effects, but that $hit messed me up and I would never recommend it to anyone. And I certainly would never take it again. But that's just my experience.
    my eyes are very sensitive to light always squinting, never thought it could be because of the accutane i took when i was 16, im 21 is a vitamin A precursor, food for thought..


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    accutane is great besides toxicity IMO.....cleared me up quick at 20mg...

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    The Dawn Dishwashing Liquid is workin for me so far. Kind Of dries my skin out though so i apply lotion once or twice daily.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    Quote Originally Posted by YounG_SluG11
    The Dawn Dishwashing Liquid is workin for me so far. Kind Of dries my skin out though so i apply lotion once or twice daily.
    ochhh!dishwashing soap that stuff Iam scared to put it on my hands

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    It's actually more gentle on skin than bar soap.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    So anyones best bet would be to use all thses tips throught the cycle and post cycle to prevent acne right? its eaiser to prevent than it is to cure

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    the only reason drying out your skin causes more acne is that by drying out your skin your body will naturally produce more oil to compensate.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Start bathing with dawn dishwashing liquid. Use it instead of bar soap and shampoo. Dont laugh, it cleans the pores way better then bar soap, you'll notice a huge difference in the amount of oilyness in your skin and on the sheets where you sleep at night. WHen I use dawn, almost immediately all new pimples stop coming, and old ones start healing. Use a wash cloth and lather it up good. Dawn works better then other dishwashing liquids because it breaks down the oil that is causing all your acne problems and may heal up and improve the other lessions and issues you have. I found it works so well almost 100% elliminating acne from both during cycle and PCT that you might find you dont need to see the dermatologist after all.
    get the fukk out of here? no kidding? hell i might try that now. thanx i just hope i dont get the dishwashing face.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    The Only Place I Ever Get Acne ...knock On Wood Is On My Back......the Dish Soap Usually Kills That Pretty Quick......definitly A Good Idea...

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    Accutane works but is harsh, I never had acne during but always PCT, it is your body trying to get it's hormone levels back. I took 500mg amoxicillin ED and my dermotologist wrote me a script for some retin-a micro which helped some.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    Quote Originally Posted by groverman1
    Accutane works but is harsh, I never had acne during but always PCT, it is your body trying to get it's hormone levels back. I took 500mg amoxicillin ED and my dermotologist wrote me a script for some retin-a micro which helped some.
    accutane is the best if it wasn't harsh I would be on it all the time..
    at 20mg a/day it cleared up my face in three maybe four days and has been clear and perfect since..I get mine from a reasearch lab and then go to my doctor to get checked up..He dosn't approve but it's my body...Ive yet to
    have any bad liver enzyme values...BTW love your avatar groverman...

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I am on benzaclin and differin gel. I only get acne on my back and shoulders. You may need accutane, it is harsh but it will work.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    using dishwasher soap works miracles, also go tanning every few weeks, and stay off the medication, i had bad acne when i as on medication, then as soon as i got off it stopped, huh? but its real tough on your body to be taking lots of useless meds.

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