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Last cycle was 500mg test e for 10 weeks. Also took 0.25mg ldex and 5mg finasteride daily. The cycle has been over for 5 weeks. I started clomid and clen 2 weeks after last shot. Took the clen for only 2 weeks. Stopped clomid yesterday. I experienced mild acne while on cycle. The acne increased after the cycle. Now I have some sort of lessions on my face. They are red bumps the size of nickels with no head. They are completely beneath the skin. I have 5 and a sixth one is starting. I have acne all over my back, but the lession things are only on my face. I know, it sucks to be me, but have any of you guys experienced anything like what I'm describing? I wish I had a digital camera to post some pics. Either way, I have an appointment with my dermatologist next Monday for some moles. I'll be very interested to see what she says after I take off my shirt to view the moles and she sees my relatively large muscles covered in acne. I'm wondering if she'll accuse me being on roids. I'll just tell her I'm taking andro.