Anyone have any thoughts on phentermine vs. ephedrine for weight loss??
A tender thanks
Anyone have any thoughts on phentermine vs. ephedrine for weight loss??
A tender thanks
one is an appetite surpressant and the other is a metabolic/thermogenic enhancer....
Phen will knock the wait off you much faster, however, you will loose plenty of muscle aswell.
why would you lose a lot of muscle with the phentermine?
It is mainly used for obese people so there is an incredible amount of muscle loss associated with it. I would go for Clen instyead
i've tried clen before and even very low dosages made me feel very terrible. I have a feeling the ephedrine might do the same but I have been hearing a little about phentermine and thought that might work better for me but I definately don't want a lot of muscle loss.
Did you try the clen with food? If not do it that way. Otherwise try some Hydroxycut. Its onle 5mg of ephedrine per cap.
yeah there is not real hyped up or cracked out feeling with phen...
So you have used phentermine before? What dosages and did you lose a lot of muscle on it?
if you dont keep up your protein intake you can lose muscle on phen - which isnt easy since it will utterly kill your appetitte - nice for a sweet tooth like me - otherwise I am unaware of why it would be catabolic to muscle specifically.
what kind of dosage do you take and for how long do you normally take it?
I thought that with that much weight loss at that rate you would lose muscle aswell?
what kind of dosage do you take and for how long do you normally take it?
Use the phen, Has no effect on muscle loss, Appetite sup is all it is. I use it at 37.5mg per day no problems. you still eat but with a little bit of fullness, Dry mouth, not hungry, is all sides I have noticed . Still have great workouts and have suffered no muscle loss, Losing desent bodyfat on it but keeping protein around 1gm per lb of btw. Good luck.
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