hey bros,
have any of you guys taken oral test and whats your favorite and why?
hey bros,
have any of you guys taken oral test and whats your favorite and why?
Androil is oral test, it's not very effective for building muscle but it can increse sex drive a little-you have to take alot before it does anything, I would never use oral test
cool, is that the only kind of oral test?
Apparently there are some sort of 20mg test sublingual tabs. All I know is they must be taken every hour or two
For all you needle mary's, there is no effective alternative to injectable test. That being said, once you get over the initial fear, it is quite easy and something you miss when your not doing it.
Originally Posted by toolman
Yes I miss it when I am not on.
dont waste time with oral test, Very short half life and usually expensive (in canada)
I heard they are like a little energy boost before a workout.Originally Posted by MMA
It's the only oral test I know of, except for the pro-hormones, I always assumed that p-h M1T was a type of legal Androil but I wouldn't really know because I've never run Androil or M1T..
Originally Posted by BOSTONBEATDOWNS
I know many will dislike this post, but I actually like 10-15mg of methyltest prior to a workout. Also, I have run it for the first 5 days or so of a new cycle.Originally Posted by BOSTONBEATDOWNS
However, I do not recommend this drug. Many people cannot handle the aggression (serious) or the sides it can cause not to mention liver complications.
Favorite pre-workout cocktail: 10 mg methyltest dissolved under my tongue followed by a double expresso and Linkin Park. Warning this is a very serious hardass combo. Oh yeah, think about something that really pisses you off right before you lift. *Best to do this when the gym is empty*
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