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Thread: British Dragon prop swelling issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    prop swelling issues

    have some issues about BD prop that is causing swelling. This is my first time posting to msg.board.

    I'm on my 6th complete cycle so I'm fairly experienced but have some side effects that I never had before. I just finished 4weeks of androl 50 and have been using fina 1.5cc EOD combined with BD prop 1.5 cc EOD. Well two weeks tomorrow I took my second dose of prop in my calf. Well in two days it swelled up and had to make a trip to the ER. Doctors determined I had cellulitis and drained the fluid one week after injection. I saw ultrasound and prop didn't even absorb but was surrounded by approx 6cc of fluid. I'm on antibiotics and calf is still a bit sore. Since last wednesday I shot my right shoulder on thurs and my left shoulder on sat. Well both shoulder are still extremely sore. Is this normal?
    The BD prop I just got two weeks ago. I check validity of my bottle with info on site and it seems like legit labling.

    My question is is this BD prop a fake? or is my body rejecting it? Or maybe the calf injection was a fluke and my shoulders are suppose to be sore for days after? Never had a issue in the past with sus and a varity of other tests.

    Any help is extremely appreciated.
    Last edited by powerlifterjay; 12-21-2004 at 03:13 PM. Reason: source name in title

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    prop is known to hurt because of the high ba content, i havent done bd's so im not sure wut its like. u have to b really careful with calf injetions as well bro. i'd persoanlly stick to delts,glutes,tris and thighs. just make sure u rub the injection su=ite well with rubbing alcohol b4 u inject.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    thx man. I really clean inj site before and after. Only second calf inj ever. I usualy rely on butt and delts. It was very easy to use calf but I paid for it in the end. I was just curious if this prop was a fake. This main explain my symtoms?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i doubt its fake its most likely due to the high ba content. and calf injections r painful if not done properly!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    bro- a lot of people can't do prop- Teh alcahol in it does the same with me. If you have a problem with that then stay away from t-400 and the enantate 350 both great products but very painfull to a lot of people. What did you tell the doc about the absess.
    My buddy got one on his ass from QV winny last month. My other buddy had to repack the opening from the doc. He said he took 2 feet of guaze out of the wound. (f-n sick) That is my favorit winni to

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    there r painless prop products out there if u look around, im doin 100mg/dat of prop and its painless.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Just told the doc that I injected test prop in my calf. I forgot to mention that my calf swelled up the size of my lower thy. Couldn't walk for three days. Swelling finally went down but my calf was really red still. Doc didn't say much and ordered a ultra sound to see if a abcess was forming or just fluid build up. They sucked fluid out and tested it. Came back negative for a abcess. Thats onlt info they gave me. So he gave me antibolics for a wk.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I would like to use other products but here is my sitution. I use to use a private party (to expensive)and now I'm finally saving money using the internet. I only have info on one legit internet site and they only offer British Dragon products. Any other legit sites to use?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by dan450
    I would like to use other products but here is my sitution. I use to use a private party (to expensive)and now I'm finally saving money using the internet. I only have info on one legit internet site and they only offer British Dragon products. Any other legit sites to use?
    sorry bro cant ask/post sources. bd products r good.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    understand. Just like to find out if I have a problem with tek achol thats in prop like the other guy said, or maybe the brand I'm using? Should I continue usage in butt? Doesn't feel nearly as painful. or stop using completely?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    it is ****ed up many people like my self can't use prop becouse the same thing. I my self am sensitive as hell to it.**** puts me in pain for for or 5 days. Last time I did it in my as and it swelled up , the red went from my lower back to the middle of my ham. That sucked. So I tried it in the shoulder the next time. That sucked but boy did my shoulders look huge.
    Cant do sten - I taste it right after injsection and it gets me sick also the tren does the same thing to me. I was a vet on theanaboliczone when they where around and many others had the same problem

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I guess maybe I can't do prop? I will wait a extra day maybe and try once more. Currently 1.5cc 100mg/ml EOD) MAybe every third day instead? or maybe 1cc eod? Fina I'm having no problem with. It works great. It's just this dam prop..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    u should b injecting the prop and fina ed.

  14. #14
    The exact same thing happened to me. I did 1 cc of BD prop into both calves, the left one was fine but the right one was all messed up. I couldn't walk for almost a week. I don't have insurance so a trip to the ER was out of the question. I had a friend's dad who is a doctor get me some samples of levaquin (i think thats how you spell it) and I took that for about 5 days and had another friend who is a doctor write me a script for more anitbiotics. Everything went back to normal in about 2 weeks but I lost some size on my calf. I don't think it had anything to do with the prop. Either you weren't careful enough when you cleaned the injection site or you injected in the wrong portion of your calf. According to both of the docs I saw, the calf is one of the most dangerous spots to inject.

    Quote Originally Posted by dan450
    have some issues about BD prop that is causing swelling. This is my first time posting to msg.board.

    I'm on my 6th complete cycle so I'm fairly experienced but have some side effects that I never had before. I just finished 4weeks of androl 50 and have been using fina 1.5cc EOD combined with BD prop 1.5 cc EOD. Well two weeks tomorrow I took my second dose of prop in my calf. Well in two days it swelled up and had to make a trip to the ER. Doctors determined I had cellulitis and drained the fluid one week after injection. I saw ultrasound and prop didn't even absorb but was surrounded by approx 6cc of fluid. I'm on antibiotics and calf is still a bit sore. Since last wednesday I shot my right shoulder on thurs and my left shoulder on sat. Well both shoulder are still extremely sore. Is this normal?
    The BD prop I just got two weeks ago. I check validity of my bottle with info on site and it seems like legit labling.

    My question is is this BD prop a fake? or is my body rejecting it? Or maybe the calf injection was a fluke and my shoulders are suppose to be sore for days after? Never had a issue in the past with sus and a varity of other tests.

    Any help is extremely appreciated.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Prop ED Builds Character
    im really really suprised that bd prop is hurting that badly. you are probably the first person to actually say that a bd product is hurting that badly. personally i dont think the ba content is jacked because bd labs are known to have precise measurements. i think its you bro who is causing all this pain to yourself. you might be injecting way too fast into the muscle. prop can and will hurt in injected quickly into a muscle. on all injections make sure that you stretch before the injection to loosen up the muscle. another great thing is to take a hot shower to also help the muscle stay relaxed and warm. then once injecting take your time. i am currently taking QV prop, which is slightly overdosed might i add. a miracle if you ask me tho. anyways im taking the prop and during injection i listen to a song, so during the song i slowly inject and rub the muscle to disperse the prop around the muscle without having it all in one area at the time. prop is known to be painful but its really hard for me to believe that BD prop is the cause of the pain. that stuff has the best reviews ive ever heard of thats why. double check on how you shoot your prop and pre-injection procedures. im thinking thats the case.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    thx for the info. I don't believe I'm inj to quickly and I definately massage muscle to disperse fluid. I will take your advice and take more time to inj when using prop and shower first. Just weird this is the only injectable I had a issue with ever...I really want to keep trying to use prop. Hate to waste a whole bottle..

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Do we know it's the prop?

    Here's some good reading folks.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    thx for the reading. I will never shoot my calf again but I'm concerned about both my delts are still sore several days after from the prop. I never had issues before with my delt inj and I used (Sus, fina, primo, deca ect.) over the years. Why now do I have a issue with bd prop? seems funny that the three places I injed prop they are all still sore days later. I can take the pain I just don't want to screw myself up again. That is my main concern.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I have used various brands of Prop and in no way am I slagging off BD products because I love them, but I found the Prop extremely painful and I like to think I am reasonably pain tolerant. That stuff used to wake me at night when I rolled over onto an injection site. I always try and get Virormone.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    mix the prop with test.. heard it dulls the pain.... dunno if its tru.. im soon to find out tho

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by inevitable
    mix the prop with test.. heard it dulls the pain.... dunno if its tru.. im soon to find out tho
    Or just cut the prop with some steril oil that works for me.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    can you buy steril oil at local pharm? Any idea ratio?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    I think ar-r sells it

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Prop ED Builds Character
    i cut my first couple injectins with b-12. great stuff, but i weaned myself off of it.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by inevitable
    mix the prop with test.. heard it dulls the pain.... dunno if its tru.. im soon to find out tho
    Prop is test.

    B12 works.

    I never really had problems with prop.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigun
    I always try and get Virormone.
    Ya they're sweet...but very expensive. Tried them...loved them. Just hard to justify using them. So many other quality/cheaper test props out there. BM Testopins are good. Inexpensive and not painful at all. 2% BA in them.

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