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Thread: What PCT's with Dinabol only cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    What PCT's with Dinabol only cycle?

    I know wrong forum, but this is much more active. Maybe mod can move it after a day?

    I have decided to go with Dinabol as my first cycle (thanks to a cool cat) and am obviously also concerned with what PCT's I should get. What PCT's should I worry about? Anti-e, correct? How about hairloss, should I worry much about this? I am not sure if i am predisposed to it or not. I am 24 with the average loss up towards the temple, but my father, and grandfather on my mothers side both have full heads of hair (not sure bout gramps on fathers side)

    I dont know much about PCT. How are these usually administered? Where can I get info on dosage? What about source? (Sorry if anti-e sources are prohibited) The source for the dbol also has anti-e, i could just go with them. but any other health related PCT's i should be concerned with?

    Last edited by newbrew; 12-21-2004 at 11:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    You need 3 things:

    1. test
    2. test
    3. even more test!!

    Bro d-bol only is a total waste of time and money. Try doing a little more research.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Ive heard of others using dbol only. Why is it a total waste? The profile on it seemed like a good choice for me. Also, this will be my first cycle. I am looking to just break the sutbborn wall I am at, rather than the physical appearanc thing. Here is part of the review from:

    "The effect of Dianabol promotes the protein synthesis, thus it supports the buildup of protein. This effect mani-fests itself in a positive nitrogen balance and an improved well-be-ing. Dianabol has a very strong anabolic and androgenic effect which manifests itself in an enormous buildup of strength and muscle mass in its users. Dianabol is simply a "mass steroid" which works quickly and reliably. A weight gain of 2 - 4 pounds per week in the first six weeks is normal with Dianabol. The additional body weight consists of a true increase in tissue (hyper-trophy of muscle fibers) and, in particular, in a noticeable retention of fluids. Dianabol aromatizes easily so that it is not a very good drug when one works out for a competition. Excessive water reten-tion and aromatizing can be avoided in most cases by simultaneously taking Nolvadex and Proviron so that some athletes are able to use Dianabol until three to four days before a competition. An effective daily dose for athletes is around 15-40 mg/day. The dosage of Dianabol taken by the athlete should always be coordinated with his individual goals. Steroid nov-ices do not need more than 15-20 mg of Dianabol per day since this dose is sufficient to achieve exceptional results over a period of 8-10 weeks"

    ps, not saying you are wrong....I am completely new to this and wont claim I know much at all about it. Ive done some off and on research over the last couple years. But at least a short msg on why its a bad choice would help

    thanks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    with dbol only, you'll gain 15lbs then lose 15lbs. Who wants that? I said this in another thread: just because you can smoke a joint in front of a cop dosent make it the best idea in the world. Listen to the bro's here, you need test and that all there is too it.

    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    Ive heard of others using dbol only. Why is it a total waste? The profile on it seemed like a good choice for me. Also, this will be my first cycle. I am looking to just break the sutbborn wall I am at, rather than the physical appearanc thing. Here is part of the review from:

    "The effect of Dianabol promotes the protein synthesis, thus it supports the buildup of protein. This effect mani-fests itself in a positive nitrogen balance and an improved well-be-ing. Dianabol has a very strong anabolic and androgenic effect which manifests itself in an enormous buildup of strength and muscle mass in its users. Dianabol is simply a "mass steroid" which works quickly and reliably. A weight gain of 2 - 4 pounds per week in the first six weeks is normal with Dianabol. The additional body weight consists of a true increase in tissue (hyper-trophy of muscle fibers) and, in particular, in a noticeable retention of fluids. Dianabol aromatizes easily so that it is not a very good drug when one works out for a competition. Excessive water reten-tion and aromatizing can be avoided in most cases by simultaneously taking Nolvadex and Proviron so that some athletes are able to use Dianabol until three to four days before a competition. An effective daily dose for athletes is around 15-40 mg/day. The dosage of Dianabol taken by the athlete should always be coordinated with his individual goals. Steroid nov-ices do not need more than 15-20 mg of Dianabol per day since this dose is sufficient to achieve exceptional results over a period of 8-10 weeks"

    ps, not saying you are wrong....I am completely new to this and wont claim I know much at all about it. Ive done some off and on research over the last couple years. But at least a short msg on why its a bad choice would help

    thanks again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    I know wrong forum, but this is much more active. Maybe mod can move it after a day?

    I have decided to go with Dinabol as my first cycle (thanks to a cool cat) and am obviously also concerned with what PCT's I should get. What PCT's should I worry about? Anti-e, correct? How about hairloss, should I worry much about this? I am not sure if i am predisposed to it or not. I am 24 with the average loss up towards the temple, but my father, and grandfather on my mothers side both have full heads of hair (not sure bout gramps on fathers side)

    I dont know much about PCT. How are these usually administered? Where can I get info on dosage? What about source? (Sorry if anti-e sources are prohibited) The source for the dbol also has anti-e, i could just go with them. but any other health related PCT's i should be concerned with?

    Since your question didn't deal with the merit of a d-bol-only cycle,i'll answer the questions you asked:

    i Did a d-bol cycle a while back...(d-bol, oreton-methyl, winstrol, proviron, clen)

    PCT for that started the morning following the last dose.

    It was clomid only and lasted 21 days (100mg ed..7days 50mg ed days 8-21)

    I didn't use anti-estrogens during the cycle because there was no need.I use it during one of my earlier contest preps to maintain muscle.Gained a few...lost very little

    Hmm...anti-Es.Opinions vary but it would be advisable to have Nolvadex on hand tru-out the cycle.

    Now for the regurgitation.There are better 1st cycles...Test-only being one of them
    Last edited by *Narkissos*; 12-21-2004 at 12:39 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    you will definatly loose your gains. A good part of the weight gain is all water. Your strength will go up, no doubt, but as billy ba said you WILL loose it all at the end. there are alot of better first cycles out there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Just out of curiosity, how many people claiming a dbol only cycle is a waste actually ran a dbol only cycle?

  8. #8
    And how many saying test , test , test , have tried a cycle without it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    I've done a cycle without D-bols. my last cycle actually. I've done d-bols with previous cycles. I'm not saying d-bol doesn't work but I figured I would use the money to buy test. To be honest, I don't think I'll be using d-bols again. I'ts only a filler drug to hold you over for the first couple of weeks until the test kicks in. In my opinion d-bol's are good for people without patience.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by JdJuicer
    Just out of curiosity, how many people claiming a dbol only cycle is a waste actually ran a dbol only cycle?
    I have. About 4 years ago when I was a baby in the game. I was still afraid of the idea of injecting myself. I had been giving friends injections, but was a little scared when it came to poking myself.

    I gained about 15lbs, got strong as could be for about 5 weeks, then come week 6, 7, 8, 9...all was back to normal. I maybe kept 5% of what I gained. was a waste...however, it made me feel good in the gym for 5 weeks. Dianabol is an ego drug IMO...not much more.

    Last edited by t-money; 12-23-2004 at 06:47 AM.

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