this is a newbie question and yes i did a search so i hope i don't get slammed too bad. ok im 25, 6'5, 210, 12%bf. i work out hard and have a clean diet. i take a fat burner and cant seem to shed that last bit of fat. ive never cycled and dont care to but i've taken an interest in some winny tabs a guy has. i did a search but didn't get the answer i was looking for. if i did one little cycle say 50 mg/day for a couple of weeks do i have to worry about permanent liver damage. i read about orals and liver tumors and winny with hairloss and joint problems. i just want to cut up some and thought a little winny would help. if winny alone is bad then i just wont do any AS at all. someone with winny experience please help me with the pros and cons of this. thank you.