This is what my cycle looks like now:
weeks 1-4
abomds, 50-100mg ed (dbol on hand just for added pump).
weeks 1-10
Weeks 2-6
T Cyp 500mg EW
weeks 2-10
Deca Dur. 600 mg EW
Weeks 11-12
T Prop 50mg Ed or 100 mg EOD (depending on ass pain)?
HCG starting week????
Arimidex starting week 2-10or11, 25 ED
Nolvadox for titties when applicable..
winney tabs weeks 7-10
50mg ed, 100mg ed for 2 weeks, then 50mg ED last week
Clomid week 13 or 14
T3, superclen, ECA post cycle
300mg on day 1, 100mg the following 10days, 50mg the remaining 10days.
I have 2 carts. of finaplix coming and was wondering if I should add that in for that last 6 weeks or add it in as soon as possable?
I have 2 carts so I was going to use one now? and another one in the next cycle that will be a cutting cycle (fina, test, eq,T3, clen, maybe DNP).