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Thread: planning next cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic

    planning next cycle

    Planning the next cycle and gathering gear. I've got 2 bottles of 10ml chinaman EQ 200mg/ml. I want to stack it in with dbol and sust. I'd like to do a long cycle - 10 to 12 weeks. I know the dbol cannot go that long. What's the best way to stack it up - i've seen Example #2 here on AR where they start out with (we'll sub EQ for deca) EQ/dbol for 6 weeks and then finish with EQ/sust for 6 weeks. I'm thinking that i'd prefer to stack in the sustenon with the EQ/dbol. I want to start the sust at week 1. But if I drop the dbol after week 6 or 7 willl I go thru a small catabolic phase - will my gains drop off? Do i need to bump up the sustenon before/during/after I end the dbol to keep the gains going? Or am I better off to just plan a 6 or 7 week cycle of EQ/dbol/sust ?

    Option 1 ---------
    EQ - 100mg/eod weeks 1-12
    dbol - 30mg/day weeks 1-7
    sustenon - 500mg/wk weeks 1-12

    Option 2 ---------
    EQ - 100mg/eod weeks 1-12
    dbol - 30mg/day weeks 1-6
    sust - 500mg/wk weeks 7-12

    Option 3 ---------
    EQ - 100mg/eod weeks 1-12
    dbol - 30mg/day weeks 1-6
    sust - 250mg/wk weeks 1-6 500mg/wk weeks 7-12

    Option 4 ---------
    EQ - 100mg/eod weeks 1-7
    dbol - 30mg/day weeks 1-7
    sust - 500mg/wk weeks 1-7

    I'm leaning towards Option 3 myself. From experience what do you guys recommend?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Keep it constant throughout.....
    weeks 1-10 Sus 500 mgs
    weeks 1-10 Eq 400 - 600 mgs
    Weeks 1-4 D-bol 35-50 mgs e/d
    Frontload where and if possible
    Milkthissle for the first 4 weeks
    Clomid 3 weeks after your last shot...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    i like MB's cycle. nice and steady. you could possibly run the dbol into week 6, but that would be pushing the liver. also, if you want to prevent bloating, add some liquidex .25 ED throughout cycle. just a thought. also, you could add winny to the end of the cycle to harden up all your gains

    Big J

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Right next door.
    No need to front load. The dbol will jump start your cycle just fine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    option 1, just shorten the length for dbol to about week 5
    cuz by than sus and eq will kick in, and u can get rid of the garbage dbol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I am with MBaraso. Also you don't need to shoot eq eod. Long half life. Try getting 400 - 600 mg in 2 shots.

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