Planning the next cycle and gathering gear. I've got 2 bottles of 10ml chinaman EQ 200mg/ml. I want to stack it in with dbol and sust. I'd like to do a long cycle - 10 to 12 weeks. I know the dbol cannot go that long. What's the best way to stack it up - i've seen Example #2 here on AR where they start out with (we'll sub EQ for deca) EQ/dbol for 6 weeks and then finish with EQ/sust for 6 weeks. I'm thinking that i'd prefer to stack in the sustenon with the EQ/dbol. I want to start the sust at week 1. But if I drop the dbol after week 6 or 7 willl I go thru a small catabolic phase - will my gains drop off? Do i need to bump up the sustenon before/during/after I end the dbol to keep the gains going? Or am I better off to just plan a 6 or 7 week cycle of EQ/dbol/sust ?
Option 1 ---------
EQ - 100mg/eod weeks 1-12
dbol - 30mg/day weeks 1-7
sustenon - 500mg/wk weeks 1-12
Option 2 ---------
EQ - 100mg/eod weeks 1-12
dbol - 30mg/day weeks 1-6
sust - 500mg/wk weeks 7-12
Option 3 ---------
EQ - 100mg/eod weeks 1-12
dbol - 30mg/day weeks 1-6
sust - 250mg/wk weeks 1-6 500mg/wk weeks 7-12
Option 4 ---------
EQ - 100mg/eod weeks 1-7
dbol - 30mg/day weeks 1-7
sust - 500mg/wk weeks 1-7
I'm leaning towards Option 3 myself. From experience what do you guys recommend?