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Thread: how long between??

  1. #1

    how long between??

    im doing a 8 week bulking cycle 500mg sus weekly and 25mg daily of dbol thinking of throwing in some droll i havemass to work with im 6'1 245 how long should i wait to try to cut up i would like to do it before summer..i have some deca and win thinking of running 300mg deca w/k 40mg of win e/d and some stacker 2 what do you guys think???thanks bros....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    what you could do, is make your cycle 12 weeks and forget the drol because you really won't keep much after you are done with it. i would take EQ at 400-600mgs a week with the sust, dbol weeks 1-4 at 30mgs/day, then weeks 9-14 run winny at 50mgs ED or EOD. also run arimidex at .25 everyday to cut out water rentention. this way, you will get a ton of mass in the beginning, and then at the end, you will still be big in size, but the winny and eq will harden and sharpen your muscles. then after your last winny shot, you can take 300mgs of clomid 1st day, 100mgs next 10, then 50mgs next 10. also, during this you can take clen for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. this could be put in during your last 2 weeks of winny intake.

    Big J

  3. #3
    I know I should do a search but what is EQ and should i cut the the deca?
    also i dont have time to order the clen. right now thats why i was thinking of the stacker 2

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    look in the drug profiles on EQIUPOISE. you wont need clen until later on if you do that cycle. so you have at the least, 8 weeks to order. and it's not expensive at all

    Big J

  5. #5
    I agree, just do 1 cycle. This is how I would do it.
    test 500mg week 1-10
    deca or eq 300mg-400mg week 1-10
    drop dbol add winny 50mg ed week 6-10

    Better for you!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    wait at least 8 weeks starting from 2 weeks after the last sust injection.

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