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Thread: 7 weeks into cycle....HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    The Grotto

    7 weeks into cycle....HELP

    Just finished my 7th week of my eq 400mg + test e 500mg per week
    (nolva 10mg ed). I am extremely nervous at this point. Ive gained 20lbs and my strength has gone up a bit. However, I have not felt the sex drive or tremendous pumps/ strength gains yet.

    My gear is QV, checked batch numbers and Ive' injected to fit the fact they were a little underdosed. My ? is, should I be thinking the gear is fake??
    Its my first cycle, but i really am not feelings any affects yet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    My sex drive goes down on Test bro so no worries it effects us all differently.

    Dbol makes mine go wayyyy up (and I do mean UP) and same with Tren

  3. #3
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    The Grotto


    Double checked with my source and he and others guarentee the gear is legit. I even tasted it and it numbed my tongue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh-Hefner's-Son
    Just finished my 7th week of my eq 400mg + test e 500mg per week
    (nolva 10mg ed). I am extremely nervous at this point. Ive gained 20lbs and my strength has gone up a bit. However, I have not felt the sex drive or tremendous pumps/ strength gains yet.

    My gear is QV, checked batch numbers and Ive' injected to fit the fact they were a little underdosed. My ? is, should I be thinking the gear is fake??
    Its my first cycle, but i really am not feelings any affects yet.
    Give the gear some more time. And id say 20lbs shows that the gear is not fake. The pumps will come, but you state both that your strength has gone up a bit but you have not felt any strength gains yet. Please clarify this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Grotto


    well, i am able to lift a little more than i was before cycle, but it isnt a significant amout. This is prob due to the fact Ive gained weight. Ive been eating a lot , I mean the gains Ive made could be natural.

    I still have 4 weeks left of gear, I am going to continue, but Im just concerned

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Prop ED Builds Character
    bro dont even worry it all will come in time. the gains right now are def from the test alone. the eq will eventually kick in by anytime after the tenth week. from then you will see the cycle booming. dont worry, 20lb gain is amazing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    your up 20lbs in 7 weeks, your gear is real. Fake gear will not make you gain anything.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    long island new york
    20lbs your fine, however there are some things you might need to re-evaluate.

    You've added 20 lbs now you have to feed it so you may need to increase your cals just to maintain steady gains.

    Are you training properly have you adjusted your training? you might need to.

    Also are you getting enough rest.

    Often people become complacant and don't realize as they grow things have to consistantly be "updated".

    Just my .02 stay strong,


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    long island new york
    Oh also because the gear "numbed" your tongue doesn't mean a thing. Don't let that be your judgement on whether or not your gear is real. The BA in the solution is what numbs your tongue not the AS.

    Stay strong,

  10. #10
    Yeah, Definately real **** if youve gained 20 lbs in 7 weeks. Be patient, everyone gets different results. As for myself test gives me maybe little difference in sex drive but Dbol...I don't know but when I'm done having sex I'm begging for more 5 mins later.

  11. #11
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    The Grotto


    Yeah I hear you guys, I was just exspecting to "feel" it a little more. I guess it might really hit me in the next couple weeks.

    Quick ?, when do you really notice it kicking in the hardest, ex. when u wake up in the gym...just curious to what I'd should be looking out for.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    you wont really shouldnt look out for anything, its most likely gonna hit at a random point. you will work out one day and it will be the same then the next day it could sink in then its like an overnight monster. thats basically how it works with things like eq.

  13. #13
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    May 2004
    Really for strength when you was allready at your limit it takes a while before you see something impressive. Really about week 10-12 for me has been when I ussually notice a major difference.

  14. #14
    im on my first cycle of test e (500mg) and eq (400mg). Im on week10.

    So far I gained over 35 lbs, maybe more. Im sure its alot of water, some fat, but def more muscle.

    I couldnt do 315 on bench before i started, now I can do 350 and it was pretty easy.

    my incline has went up like crazy. I could do rep 225 before, maybe 3 sets of 8 really struggling. I did 295 6 times early this week.

    On the sex thing, Me 2, I dont feel ****! I read all this stuff about getting so horny. I dont feeling anything, my sex drive maybe went down. I dont feel like im "on" or something just happened one day at the gym. I was anticipating this happening. I think it just happens gradually and you cant tell. I plan on running 13 weeks.

    good luck, keep working it

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    sex drive went down from test, it can do that to ya. sux but happens

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by PlasticFuture112
    the eq will eventually kick in by anytime after the tenth week. from then you will see the cycle booming.

    it shouldnt take 10 weeks for EQ to kick in
    most people only run it for 12 weeks

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I had a similar experience with my first test E cycle. I went from 215-240, but it wasn't what I had hoped for. Strength went up a tad, but like you, I think i was from just being heavier. I was holding so much water it wasn't funny, and I never really got good pumps. Felt like I just got chubby and didn't add the amount of muscle I had hoped to. My diet was good, so were my sleep and training. However, my sex drive was extremely high.

    I'm running test e and eq right now (qv gear), and i'm on my 8th week and starting to feel it kicking in good. I think the key is just to be patient and it will come.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh-Hefner's-Son
    Just finished my 7th week of my eq 400mg + test e 500mg per week
    (nolva 10mg ed). I am extremely nervous at this point. Ive gained 20lbs and my strength has gone up a bit. However, I have not felt the sex drive or tremendous pumps/ strength gains yet.

    My gear is QV, checked batch numbers and Ive' injected to fit the fact they were a little underdosed. My ? is, should I be thinking the gear is fake??
    Its my first cycle, but i really am not feelings any affects yet.
    Not everyone feels the sex drive with test... under controlled studies they found 40% had heavily increased sex drive, 40% had decreased sex drive and 20% were unchanged... this is with levels of testosterone at 500 mg or higher, although those taking 300 mg of testosterone per week, almost 80% of the men had increased sex drive and 20% were unchanged.

    You gained the weight, sounds like you have good gear, at least on the testosterone side, I dont think EQ would give you the 20 lbs along so we can probably verify the EQ. Are you training correctly? You should be challenging the very heaviest weights you can muster, try jumping up to weights so heavy that you can only get 5 lifts, do enough reps that you leave the gym with muscle soreness. Go home and overdose on protein shakes, you should heal extremely QUICK if your gear is good and next time these new extremely heavy weights will not seem as challenging as last time. You should find what you had all you can to do get 5 lifts, now you can get 8 to 10 just a week later. Your body should adapt, heal, grow fast. When you are juiced, usually to make the juice work for you, you have to challenge the very heaviest weights possible. You should be much exceeding your own body weight in things like butterfly presses, lat pulls, quad and ham string machines, etc.

  19. #19
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by LACBodybuilder
    Give the gear some more time. And id say 20lbs shows that the gear is not fake. The pumps will come, but you state both that your strength has gone up a bit but you have not felt any strength gains yet. Please clarify this.
    Lack of pumps can come from combination of inadequate nitrogen supply in diet (not enough protein and especially arginine and creatine), and also if you are not getting enough carbs in your diet, this will inhibit you from getting good pumps.

    I know its not good if you want to have highly visible rippled abs, but for me I get hellacious pumps a few hours after eating a bunch of french fries!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh-Hefner's-Son
    Yeah I hear you guys, I was just exspecting to "feel" it a little more. I guess it might really hit me in the next couple weeks.

    Quick ?, when do you really notice it kicking in the hardest, ex. when u wake up in the gym...just curious to what I'd should be looking out for.
    Its sort of like viagra... you only notice maybe more morning hard ons with test, but you are not walking around pitching a tent (hard on) during all hours of the day, nor are you like just a horn dog on spanish fly desperately trying to get any woman you can get, even if they are fat/old/ugly.

    What you do get is, if you are married and the wife starts fondling you, you get nice and interested in what she's doing maybe more then normal. If you get a woman winking at you and you feel you have a good shot at getting her if you are single and looking, then you get horny but sometimes you do have to have a good reason to get horny. In otherwords you are not out of control horny and a risk of becoming a rapist, etc.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Up there
    bro the pumps aren't necessarily instantaneous for everybody... when I shot eq and test it took at least a month or two to feel the **** crazy pumps that everybody loves.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
    your up 20lbs in 7 weeks, your gear is real. Fake gear will not make you gain anything.
    There is no way in hell that you gained 20lbs in 7 weeks natty. Unless you are a big tub of lard now If you aren't a big tub of lard you are good to go.

    BTW it could be underdosed. QV has a bad rep for that.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    The Grotto


    All of these responses have been very helpful , I am starting week 8 tomarrow and I will keep everyone updated.

    I woke up yuesterday and looked in the mirror and my body looked huge.
    It seemed as if I actually grew bigger than my body type, these gains arent rock hard muscles, but rather bulky large gains that make me look broad and larger.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004
    There is no way in hell that you gained 20lbs in 7 weeks natty. Unless you are a big tub of lard now If you aren't a big tub of lard you are good to go.

    I think a few would disagree Stout1

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