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Thread: nutrivet labs??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    nutrivet labs??

    hey guys..anyone ever here of nutrivet?? w/ all the **** that is going on w/ my other source and the quality of his products i'm gonna hold off until more info is obtained..but this guy i work w/ says he can get nutribvet? any feedback will be appreciated good or bad...good sources are hard to find these days

  2. #2
    Nutrivet has been quite shady lately, fake lab reports going around. I personally would stick to a more established ug.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    ive tried there d-bol tabs, cyp, prop. and a number of guys through out the midwest are using it and have nothing but great results with it, the prices are good and you wont be disappointed with there gear. i will never use qv again after using nutri-vet...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    ive also noticed slowly but surely more and more people are talking about there lab. i know they are on legit source lists on some of the biggest anabolic websites....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MER
    Nutrivet has been quite shady lately, fake lab reports going around. I personally would stick to a more established ug.
    this is what i'm affraid...everything is soo shady lately...i think i'll just need to wait til a legit source comes along thanx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    the best thing you could do is wait till there website is up or try it, like i said before the prices are great and you will gain.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    best bet is to try and stick to a well proven brand like bd

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    bd huh? they are underdosed just as much as all of these other companies that are out there. i know everyone has there own opinon but i find it very funny that people seem to think euro gear, human , are what its all about and that they are better then vet gear, qv/nutri-vet/denkall, ect ect, last month i had a chance to talk to a few pros one very well known pro from the wisconsin area if anyone knows about pro body builders they will know who im talking about, the thing i found most interesting was that a majority of them take MEXICAN GEAR! they did say one thing it may be alittle underdosed they just take more of it. So as far as im concerned i will stick with the companies that i know work and nutri-vet is one of them, and besides all of the slin and gh they are using they are still using gear that alot of people are knocking (mexican gear) and shouldnt be. we all have our own opinions....

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