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Thread: When do you guys take your dbol?

  1. #1

    When do you guys take your dbol?

    Hello guys, this is my first post and I am glad to be here.
    Anyway, I was wondering what time of day you guys take your dbol. I always do half the dose two hours before I work out and the other half an hour afterwards. I was just wondering what everyone else does since I've heard of guys taking it in the early morning or later at night. Well, I look forward to hearing what everyone has to say.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Bro, methandrostenolone compound must be administered frequently to maintain constant/sufficient BL's. Bytaking all at once or virtually all ay once, you create large spikes of levels and plummet to zero.

    Essentially, every dosage is like starting over. Maintain constant BL's through 5 mg applications every 2.5-3,5 hours iver the waking hours. Some bro's even wake up in the middle of the night for a "quick fix"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    I take mine morning, noon, and about 2 hrs before i lift...

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