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Thread: clen and dbol- novice question

  1. #1

    clen and dbol- novice question

    I am going to start a cycle of dbol 10 mg and clenbuterol. I'm 6'3 217 lbs. I am looking to get bigger but cut. I have never taken either. I just wanted to know how much of the dbol to take a day. My workout is like this:

    Mon- chest/legs
    Tue- rest
    wed- shoulders/triceps
    fri- biceps
    sat- back

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You are trying to do 2 things at once. Pick one: either get bigger or get cut. Very hard to do both. How long have you trained and what is your age?

  3. #3
    I am 22 and have been training for about 2 yrs. Will the clen help me gain muscle and strength? So, you think I should just take one or the other? And one more question. How long should I take the clen? Any info would be great. Thanx!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Clenbuterol is a cutting drug....period! Check out the drug profiles on the main web site. If you want to gain some size and become hard and lean at the same time, then you have to do a couple of things. First, and foremost, you have to be ulta-strict with your diet. That doesn't mean starve yourself but you have to be ingesting a lot of protein and eating superclean and, as always, drink "mucho aqua". You also have to incorporate an intense cardio program in addition to your resistance training. As far as a cycle goes, I'm still a novice, but my research has indicated that a deca+primo stack, followed by clomid would be good. I just finished a deca+winny stack and had great results (I am also following up with clomid). If your strictly interested in cutting, then you may want to look at an anavar+clen+T3 stack or a primo+clen+T3 stack. In any case, do some more research bro. Good luck, be safe.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    This was the last thread on the message 260, last question...just wanted to bump it for no reason

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