I just blew up on a guy at work. I'm going to lay down a thread here and i'm going to bitch my side of this thing. Feel free to sound in and join me or bitch back at me but here goes:
This wuss guy keeps whining about his weight. He's like late 30s (my age) and he's picking up weight and he's whining about it. He's "trying" to lose weight and not succeeding. His regimen includes - get ready for this - climbing the stairs (4 flights) on the way to the office every morning instead of taking the elevator. He parks in the back of the parking lot and walks a whopping 5 minutes maybe to the building too. He drinks diet coke and skips the cheesebuger/fries lunch and opts for soup instead sometimes and he's just not dropping those pounds.
He made a comment to me the other day about me being so lucky because i'm thin and muscular and I don't have to worry about my weight like he does (oh poor me everybody cry for me). He was whining that he might actually have to start exercising and going hungry to lose the weight (wa wa wa).
I laid in on this punk. I told him "get your pussy ass in the gym and do some real exercise and start eating a real diet and shut the fu*k up about it. I've been working out since Reagan was running for re-election and watching my diet since Gorbachev left office. I'm not thin and muscular because God handed me this body on a silver platter I worked for it. Yes you have to actually exercise and yes you will go hungry sometimes to lose the pounds big fuc*ing deal. Either do something real about it or shut the hell up."
I think he deserved it (he's not a very likeable guy anyway). I get so sick and tired of the attitude that I'm so lucky to have this body like I was just born this way. Gimme a break. Eat my diet one day and drag your ass in the gym with me and i'll show you what luck really is!