Im going to do some fina and every where I have read it says to do 75mg. ed or eod. I know when I did my last cycle 1 shot a week the injection site hurt for 2 days. So where and what size needles should I use? thanks people
Im going to do some fina and every where I have read it says to do 75mg. ed or eod. I know when I did my last cycle 1 shot a week the injection site hurt for 2 days. So where and what size needles should I use? thanks people
www.spotinjections.comOriginally posted by skinny guy
Im going to do some fina and every where I have read it says to do 75mg. ed or eod. I know when I did my last cycle 1 shot a week the injection site hurt for 2 days. So where and what size needles should I use? thanks people
You will get used to it, we all do.
Your best bet would be a 25g 1" needle. Make sure you rotate sites R-L glutes, R-L delts, R-L quads....if you're more advanced R-L bis, R-L tris, R-L calves. Make no mistake about will hurt and you will be in constant pain. I used Bruce Lees test prop and the redness and swelling in my bis and tris was so severe that I had to stop shooting them after 2 weeks and stay with delts, quads, glutes...and I was using a 23g pin. If you want to know the proper way to inject, go to :
you can even use 27g, but that's not your problem. you need to rotate sites like pete suggested. you can even go to delts and pecs too.
Me Likey my 25g 5/8 of an inch for everything, just have to be a little more patient with the oils.I never do more than 1/2 cc per sesssion and it works great for me.Just remeber......"Aspirate, and if you're all in the clear, then hit the gear!". .02
ED injections are fun! i get to take 2 ED... emmm good stuff, and only 4.5 more weeks of IT!
In a few years down the line you'll look at this question and think its reduntant, try 3 times a day. You have many places to inject, in fact so many you wont need half of them. Peace
ok what do you do if you want to hit certain muscles that your going to train that day lets say for instance - calves, if your going to shoot a total of 3 cc's would you do 1.5 in each? Do you guys believe that spotinjections really help in bringing up certain muscle groups?
spot injection works! I used to have that flat shoulder connection. Until i went on fina and kept injecting my biceps and delts and know they are way bigger. bottom line is SPOT INJECTION WORKS!
for spot injection i usually use a 25g 5/8 needle. I never did calves but they look like i would treat them like biceps. 3 cc i think is too much.
Thanks guys for the info, I thought at first you shoot the fina in the ass I didnt know you could spot inject with it...
I think you shouldn't go higher then 2cc max for something like biceps and calves. That's what I've read everyone say.
i have been site injecting in my tris and delts for 4 weeks now and my tri are really freaky they are way out of proportion to my arm its great ! i am using prop and winny ! it hurts like hell the first time or to then its piss ! i am going to start my byi's tomorrow can not wait to see the results !
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