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Thread: AS close growth plates for sure?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    AS close growth plates for sure?

    hey all,
    ive read numerous times that steroids close your growth plates.
    I dont know how accurate this info is but ive read it so many times in so many sources that it seems to be the concensus...

    my best friend has taken AS before .. test, dbol, and winny (not winny and dbol at the same time if your wondering)

    and when he cam back from school this winter he measured himself and he definitely grew at least 3/4 of an inch...

    Question: How can this be so?? i am positive that he is noticable and he measured himself...

    any answers or comments?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    It is all dependant on the person. For most, yes it will cause premature closure. 3/4 of an inch is not a lot either, so it is possible that was the last of his growth. But you cannot know the full potential unless you stay off of any AAS til mid 20's.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by aXe
    It is all dependant on the person. For most, yes it will cause premature closure. 3/4 of an inch is not a lot either, so it is possible that was the last of his growth. But you cannot know the full potential unless you stay off of any AAS til mid 20's.
    I'm turning 22 in a couple of weeks. Are you saying that I can still grow in hight?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Ok this "closing growth plates" hysteria is getting as bad as "orals kill liver". Androgens are not responsible for growth plate closure estrogens are. So if your buddy used anti-e with non-aromatizing steroids he should be fine. The closure does not happen over night with 1 cycle either.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    doesnt happen to is a possible side effect....have you ever read the millions of possibilities of side effects that roids can all depends.

    i wouldnt mess around with it if i was short and young..thats for sure

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Ok this "closing growth plates" hysteria is getting as bad as "orals kill liver". Androgens are not responsible for growth plate closure estrogens are. So if your buddy used anti-e with non-aromatizing steroids he should be fine. The closure does not happen over night with 1 cycle either.
    The only concern is, clomid and nolva have the ability to close grow plates early on their own. Usually closure begins when exposed to these chemicals or high estrogen levels, but it takes 6 to 12 months to completely close, but the closure is definately triggered. So you can still grow some before its cut off. This is why the earlier in life the steroids are done, the worst the growth plate damage done. On the other hand lets say if you are 15 or 16 years old, you might be a short runt from doing steroids, but there are possible side effects like your penis might grow larger then natural and stay that way, like if you are destined to have a 7 inch dick, now you get an 8 inch, you can also trigger premature hair loss, premature greying of the hair, thicker/heavier body hair then you might have if you had waited until after completion of puberty before doing steroids.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Ok this "closing growth plates" hysteria is getting as bad as "orals kill liver". Androgens are not responsible for growth plate closure estrogens are. So if your buddy used anti-e with non-aromatizing steroids he should be fine. The closure does not happen over night with 1 cycle either.
    The only concern is, clomid and nolva have the ability to close grow plates early on their own. Usually closure begins when exposed to these chemicals or high estrogen levels, but it takes 6 to 12 months to completely close, but the closure is definately triggered. So you can still grow some before its cut off. This is why the earlier in life the steroids are done, the worst the growth plate damage done. On the other hand lets say if you are 15 or 16 years old, you might be a short runt from doing steroids, but there are possible side effects like your penis might grow larger then natural and stay that way, like if you are destined to have a 7 inch dick, now you get an 8 inch, you can also trigger premature hair loss, premature greying of the hair, thicker/heavier body hair then you might have if you had waited until after completion of puberty before doing steroids.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Ok this "closing growth plates" hysteria is getting as bad as "orals kill liver". Androgens are not responsible for growth plate closure estrogens are. So if your buddy used anti-e with non-aromatizing steroids he should be fine. The closure does not happen over night with 1 cycle either.
    The only concern is, clomid and nolva have the ability to close grow plates early on their own. Usually closure begins when exposed to these chemicals or high estrogen levels, but it takes 6 to 12 months to completely close, but the closure is definately triggered. So you can still grow some before its cut off. This is why the earlier in life the steroids are done, the worst the growth plate damage done. On the other hand lets say if you are 15 or 16 years old, you might be a short runt from doing steroids, but there are possible side effects like your penis might grow larger then natural and stay that way, like if you are destined to have a 7 inch dick, now you get an 8 inch, you can also trigger premature hair loss, premature greying of the hair, thicker/heavier body hair then you might have if you had waited until after completion of puberty before doing steroids.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Ok this "closing growth plates" hysteria is getting as bad as "orals kill liver". Androgens are not responsible for growth plate closure estrogens are. So if your buddy used anti-e with non-aromatizing steroids he should be fine. The closure does not happen over night with 1 cycle either.
    The only concern is, clomid and nolva have the ability to close grow plates early on their own. Usually closure begins when exposed to these chemicals or high estrogen levels, but it takes 6 to 12 months to completely close, but the closure is definately triggered. So you can still grow some before its cut off. This is why the earlier in life the steroids are done, the worst the growth plate damage done. On the other hand lets say if you are 15 or 16 years old, you might be a short runt from doing steroids, but there are possible side effects like your penis might grow larger then natural and stay that way, like if you are destined to have a 7 inch dick, now you get an 8 inch, you can also trigger premature hair loss, premature greying of the hair, thicker/heavier body hair then you might have if you had waited until after completion of puberty before doing steroids.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Ok this "closing growth plates" hysteria is getting as bad as "orals kill liver". Androgens are not responsible for growth plate closure estrogens are. So if your buddy used anti-e with non-aromatizing steroids he should be fine. The closure does not happen over night with 1 cycle either.
    The only concern is, clomid and nolva have the ability to close grow plates early on their own. Usually closure begins when exposed to these chemicals or high estrogen levels, but it takes 6 to 12 months to completely close, but the closure is definately triggered. So you can still grow some before its cut off. This is why the earlier in life the steroids are done, the worst the growth plate damage done. On the other hand lets say if you are 15 or 16 years old, you might be a short runt from doing steroids, but there are possible side effects like your penis might grow larger then natural and stay that way, like if you are destined to have a 7 inch dick, now you get an 8 inch, you can also trigger premature hair loss, premature greying of the hair, thicker/heavier body hair then you might have if you had waited until after completion of puberty before doing steroids.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Ok this "closing growth plates" hysteria is getting as bad as "orals kill liver". Androgens are not responsible for growth plate closure estrogens are. So if your buddy used anti-e with non-aromatizing steroids he should be fine. The closure does not happen over night with 1 cycle either.
    The only concern is, clomid and nolva have the ability to close grow plates early on their own. Usually closure begins when exposed to these chemicals or high estrogen levels, but it takes 6 to 12 months to completely close, but the closure is definately triggered. So you can still grow some before its cut off. This is why the earlier in life the steroids are done, the worst the growth plate damage done. On the other hand lets say if you are 15 or 16 years old, you might be a short runt from doing steroids, but there are possible side effects like your penis might grow larger then natural and stay that way, like if you are destined to have a 7 inch dick, now you get an 8 inch, you can also trigger premature hair loss, premature greying of the hair, thicker/heavier body hair then you might have if you had waited until after completion of puberty before doing steroids.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Ok this "closing growth plates" hysteria is getting as bad as "orals kill liver". Androgens are not responsible for growth plate closure estrogens are. So if your buddy used anti-e with non-aromatizing steroids he should be fine. The closure does not happen over night with 1 cycle either.
    The only concern is, clomid and nolva have the ability to close grow plates early on their own. Usually closure begins when exposed to these chemicals or high estrogen levels, but it takes 6 to 12 months to completely close, but the closure is definately triggered. So you can still grow some before its cut off. This is why the earlier in life the steroids are done, the worst the growth plate damage done. On the other hand lets say if you are 15 or 16 years old, you might be a short runt from doing steroids, but there are possible side effects like your penis might grow larger then natural and stay that way, like if you are destined to have a 7 inch dick, now you get an 8 inch, you can also trigger premature hair loss, premature greying of the hair, thicker/heavier body hair then you might have if you had waited until after completion of puberty before doing steroids.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Ok this "closing growth plates" hysteria is getting as bad as "orals kill liver". Androgens are not responsible for growth plate closure estrogens are. So if your buddy used anti-e with non-aromatizing steroids he should be fine. The closure does not happen over night with 1 cycle either.
    The only concern is, clomid and nolva have the ability to close grow plates early on their own. Usually closure begins when exposed to these chemicals or high estrogen levels, but it takes 6 to 12 months to completely close, but the closure is definately triggered. So you can still grow some before its cut off. This is why the earlier in life the steroids are done, the worst the growth plate damage done. On the other hand lets say if you are 15 or 16 years old, you might be a short runt from doing steroids, but there are possible side effects like your penis might grow larger then natural and stay that way, like if you are destined to have a 7 inch dick, now you get an 8 inch, you can also trigger premature hair loss, premature greying of the hair, thicker/heavier body hair then you might have if you had waited until after completion of puberty before doing steroids.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    The only concern is, clomid and nolva have the ability to close grow plates early on their own. Usually closure begins when exposed to these chemicals or high estrogen levels, but it takes 6 to 12 months to completely close, but the closure is definately triggered. So you can still grow some before its cut off. This is why the earlier in life the steroids are done, the worst the growth plate damage done. On the other hand lets say if you are 15 or 16 years old, you might be a short runt from doing steroids, but there are possible side effects like your penis might grow larger then natural and stay that way, like if you are destined to have a 7 inch dick, now you get an 8 inch, you can also trigger premature hair loss, premature greying of the hair, thicker/heavier body hair then you might have if you had waited until after completion of puberty before doing steroids.
    I don't know about the effect of s.e.r.m on growth plane like you stated, i'll look it up. thanks for the input. The penis growth do not sould like a bad side effect to me! lol.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    The only concern is, clomid and nolva have the ability to close grow plates early on their own. Usually closure begins when exposed to these chemicals or high estrogen levels, but it takes 6 to 12 months to completely close, but the closure is definately triggered. So you can still grow some before its cut off. This is why the earlier in life the steroids are done, the worst the growth plate damage done. On the other hand lets say if you are 15 or 16 years old, you might be a short runt from doing steroids, but there are possible side effects like your penis might grow larger then natural and stay that way, like if you are destined to have a 7 inch dick, now you get an 8 inch, you can also trigger premature hair loss, premature greying of the hair, thicker/heavier body hair then you might have if you had waited until after completion of puberty before doing steroids.
    I don't know about the effect of s.e.r.m on growth plates like you stated, i'll look it up. thanks for the input. The penis growth do not sould like a bad side effect to me! lol.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i heard the penis can only grow more than its naturally supposed to if you run a cycle before puberty sets in, by saying it can grow at 15 or 16, you encourage a lot of young teens to run out and ignorantly attempt to run a cyc

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