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  1. #1
    TheRat is offline New Member
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    Lets combine maths and drugs! (Looking for best possible DNP Cycle)

    Hi there.

    Ive got some DNP on the way, and I have been trying to figure out the best possible way of utilizing it. Since its a bit expensive for an unemployed student, I cant afford to eat it like candy

    The two options I am considering are 200mg / day for 14 days, and 400mg / day for 7 days.

    So, I was thinking that using a modified version of the forumla posted in the education threads section, to calculate blood consentration on any given day and calculating the integral of each of the above two options would give me a pointer to the total exposure to the drugs on the different cycles. Now, Im no chemist so this might be an utterly retarded aproach, but to me it makes sense. The cycle with the highest integral should in theory give the highest exposure and thus be the most effective use of the drug.

    Are there any chemists out there who can tell me if what Im saying is just fantasy, or if Im actually on to something, I would greatly apriciate it!

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    TheRat is offline New Member
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    For those interested in the formula I was working on, Im not quite sure if I have it yet, but it looks something like this:

    int reverse base2 log (-x*(x-1)/3))* z 
    x = day
    y = total days on the cycle
    z = dosage in mg

    If you find any erros/room for improvement, Id apriciate a comment on it as Im no maths expert


  3. #3
    Soup's Avatar
    Soup is offline Associate Member
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    should it be:
    (-x*(x-1/3))* z

    small change don't know if it makes a difference

  4. #4
    Matrix78's Avatar
    Matrix78 is offline Associate Member
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    if this is your first time using DNP jsut stick to the basics, 200mg/day for at least the first 4-5days then up it IF need be, you want to see if you have a reaction to it BEFORE you take a larger dose and regret it

  5. #5
    Scooby1 is offline Member
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    agreed. Begin by takig 200mg/ed for 4-5 days and then bump it up to 400 mg/ed if you feel that it needs to be. I am currently at 600mg/ed and the sides are beginning to bug me. sides- bloating, sweating, increased body temp, drying of skin/peling of palms and feet. Sometimes at night I cannot go to sleep cuz I am so miserable and sweaty. I keep my AC at 55-60 degrees F. Sleep with no blankets and drink nearly 3 liters everynight.

  6. #6
    SV-1's Avatar
    SV-1 is offline Respected Member
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    Here are two excel spreadsheets I made to help people plan their DNP cycles.

    DNP - Single Time Dosing: This sheet is for when the time between all doses is going to be the same (IE every 12, 24, or 36 hours). It's easier and faster to use.

    DNP - Multi Time Dosing: This sheet is for when the time between doses is going to vary (IE second dose in 24 hours, third dose in 12 hours, fourth dose in 36 hours). Because every dose time needs to be entered individually it takes a little more time to use.


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