I am about to start my second cycle. So I’m still some what of a newb. My first cycle was a Sust stacked with Deca. I was planning on going with legal supplements. I was purchases 1-AD and Androstol 300 (Ego farm Products). I was going to bulk with that and then cut up. But I'm in college so I purchases 300 5mg winni Tabs because pills are easier to conceal. I then decided to **** it and go all out. I just purchased 5800mg of cypionate off a friend who is an amateur body builder. It is 2 full 20mg/ml vile and 1 that I gave him a shot out of. I was just wondering:
A: If I were do go on the recommended 600m a week for 9 weeks. Do you guys recommend my taking an anti Estrogen. (HCG)? Or is it not necessary.
B: How would you guys recommend I take it with the Winni? I know I need to take 10tabs a day with the wini because the pills 5mg.
C: Would you guys recommend me through in the 1-Ad and Adrostol 300 I have spoke to a few who have taken it when coming off because it’s a pro- Hormone No Flaming guys. Everyone starts off somewhere. I've been natural for years and I'm just starting out with this stuff. Thanks for the help.